
The Key Importance of Immunity in Human Life

Human immunity is a state of immunity to various infectious and generally foreign organisms and substances for the human genetic code. The body’s immunity is determined by the state of its immune system, which is represented by organs and cells. The central organs of the immune system are the red bone marrow, the spleen, and the thymus (or thymus gland). Lymph nodes and lymphoid tissue in other organs (eg, tonsils, appendix) are peripheral organs of the immune system. The main task of the organs of the human immune system is the production of various cells, such as T- and B-lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, eosinophils.

There is non-specific (or innate) immunity – for example, the work of neutrophils in any inflammatory reaction with the formation of purulent discharge and specific (acquired) – for example, the production of antibodies to the influenza virus. In addition, there are types of immunity associated with human medical activity:

  • natural – resulting from a human disease, for example, immunity after chickenpox,
  • artificial – appeared as a result of vaccinations, that is, the introduction of a weakened microorganism into the human body, in response to this, immunity is produced in the body.

Good immunity is a state of complete immunity to various foreign agents. Outwardly, this is manifested by the absence of infectious diseases, human health. Internally, this is manifested by the full working capacity of all links of the cellular and humoral link.

Weak immunity is a state of susceptibility to infectious diseases. It is manifested by a weak reaction of one or another link, the loss of individual links, the inoperability of certain cells. There can be quite a few reasons for its decline. Therefore, it is necessary to treat it with blackmores vitamins, eliminating all possible causes.

Causes and signs of reduced immunity

There are many reasons why the immune system fails. This is a poor ecological living environment, taking antibiotics, stress, poor nutrition, lack of vitamins in the body, physical and mental stress, lack of sleep, infections, bad habits, parasites, dysbacteriosis. The climate and the change of seasons have a great influence on the immune system. Spring and autumn are the period when the body needs special protection. For pregnant women, lactating women, newborns and the elderly, maintaining immunity at this time is especially important. Signs of a decrease in immunity include: chronic fatigue, headaches, drowsiness, frequent colds, prolonged subfebrile body temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Strengthening immunity

The issue of increasing immunity is relevant among any contingents of the population, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child, a man or a woman, since strong immunity is a multifactorial protection against any disease. Few of us observe proper nutrition, the correct daily routine, not all of us have a good sleep-rest, but each of us is surrounded by one thing – bad habits. All this is the root cause of a decrease in immunity, which subsequently leads to various diseases. To avoid this, it is enough to follow some rules, recommendations that will gradually become part of your usual life and significantly improve the functioning of the immune system.

Firstly, it is a fortified, balanced, proper diet. It is best to eat fractionally, but 4-5 times a day, in small portions. The diet should include mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, sour-milk products, phytoncides (onion, garlic), herbs, seafood and dried fruits. It would be necessary to refuse the constant intake of semi-finished products, sausages, sausages, fatty meat and other things. It is best to replace these products with fresh fish.

Secondly, it is a complete rest. Each person should have an 8-hour night rest, as well as a lunch break of 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Thirdly, avoid stressful situations, various kinds of stress, workload.

Fourthly, you need to get rid of bad habits, such as uncontrolled coffee intake, smoking, alcoholism, and in some cases drug addiction. In parallel with this, it would be necessary to treat all chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases in the body that lead to a decrease in immunity.

Fifthly, it is an active lifestyle and sports. Even a small set of physical exercises will not only preserve and strengthen the immune system, but also significantly increase it.

Sixth is hardening. Hardening has been known for a very long time, but it must be remembered that the effect begins to appear only after a month, and when the hardening procedures are stopped, it is already lost for 5-7 days.

Seventh is vaccinations. In young children, childhood infections can lead to severe and life-threatening complications, so the child should be vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. If there is a threat of an influenza epidemic and when traveling to dangerous regions, you should also get vaccinated.

The importance of immunity for a person is difficult to overestimate. Normally functioning immunity should protect the body from the penetration of any foreign bodies and substances. This task is performed by the human immune system – a specialized system of cells, tissues and organs that is sensitive to the introduction of a foreign agent.



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