
Time to Man Up Again – Day 153

Max Ignatius Atlas Year Of Change Day 153

Mandatory New Think Warning Reg: FO99

This morning was pleasant as usual, except for the fact that I didn’t get to eat breakfast until later since I had to take care of a few errands. This reminded me of my shortsighted attempts to fast. That was before I realized that fasting was not going to be some miracle solution for weight loss and fitness, not to mention that I was absolutely miserable while I was doing it. Instead, I’ve simply adopted more mindful eating habits, and that’s been much more effective and enjoyable for me.

I felt inclined to go out for a walk after I finished up my chores, and as I was picking up litter an older gentleman passing by complimented me on my efforts. He said that it was great that I was making the most of my youth by doing good for the planet’s health. That honestly surprised me a bit, but there was some truth in the statement. Even though I’m almost 40, and I certainly FEEL old, I suppose I’m still somewhat young in the grand scheme of things, so I should make the best of my “youth” while I still can! Nothing like a passing remark by a stranger to put things into perspective.

Daily Image Year of Change Day 153#YOC

I can really see now how sculpting your body is like crafting a work of art.

Daily Image Year of Change Day 153#YOC
Daily Image Year of Change Day 153#YOC

For tonight’s workout, I was surprisingly loose and limber, so I guess my stretching routine is paying off. Even small improvements that come with enhanced mobility can work wonders to your overall performance, which is something I wish I had known when I first got started. While I can’t make up the potential progress that I would have had, I can at least continue to work hard with the knowledge and motivation that I have now.


Body transformation in 12 months from fat to fit  day124

Also See: How to Make Money Doing Greeting Cards & Videos Gigs on Fiverr

Geo Life Meal Plan for Day 153

Had some trusty tofu burgers for lunch today, still delicious as ever.

Geo Diet Day 153 Plan
BreakfastGreen Protein Shake (390 cal)
Parmesan Cheese
Mixed Salad
Snow Peas
SupperHealthy Banana & Raisins Granola Bar
SnackSpiced Carrot Apple Flax Muffins
The Ultimate Chocolate Flax Seed Pudding
Daily Meal Plan Geo Lifestyle Day 153


Year of Change
Max Ignatius Atlas
Change Perception
Change Life

Daily Geo Lifestyle Planner Day 153

I’ve been trying to spend more time in nature in between chores. It really helps elevate my mood.

Accountability CalendarHourly Update
.30 –
.30 –
.30 –
.30 –
.30 –
08:00Woke to alarm
Ready for jog
.30Light outdoor exercise
.30 –
11:00Worked on blog articles
.30 –
12:00Kids time
.30Worked on book
.30Activities with kids
.30workout +
20:00Evening meal
.30 –
.30 Supper
23:00Updated Blog
Rest and reflection
Geo Life Accountability Daily Planner – Day 153 Year of Change


Daily Exercise Planner Day 153 Geo Life Year of Change

I was able to get my workout done relatively fast, thanks in part to the speed at which I did the actual exercises. I still had to take breaks, though!

Saturday Exercise Routine  Notes  
  Running / Jogging    -Minutes
Bench Press   Until fail
Bicep Curl   Until fail
Shoulder Press   Until fail
Bent-Over Row   Until fail
One Arm Swing   Until fail
Calf Raise   Until fail
Triceps Kickback   Until fail
  Lateral Raise    Until fail
  Lying Dumbbell Fly    Until fail
Glute Bridge   Until fail
Russian Twist   Until fail
Jack Knives   Until fail
Tricep Extensions   Until fail
Saturday Routine 
Saturday Year of Change Routine

Also See: No Matter What Pick Yourself Up and Move Forward – Day 124


Quote of the Day

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn


I’m unendingly grateful for all the opportunities my new lifestyle has afforded me. I feel like everything I do will only lead to new pastures, a far cry from my past of insecurities and worry. Only time (and more hard work) will tell what other good things life has in store for me.

Day 153 of the Year of Change Wrap Up

My Facebook Page

Tweet Me @maxatlasyoc

YouTube Daily Podcast

Max’s Medium

How to Stop Being Lazy and Take Control – Day 153
How to Stop Being Lazy and Take Control – Day 153
How to Stop Being Lazy and Take Control – Day 126

Also See: How to Make Money Doing Fitness Lessons Gigs on Fiverr

Think You Have Nothing Take a Breath You Hva Life– Day 111


Fun Fact 

How can we make ourself fit?

That was before I realized that fasting was not going to be some miracle solution for weight loss Lifestyle Planner Day 153 ; 07:00, Sleep ;.30, – ; 08:00, Woke to alarm 5,4,3,2,1. Up Ready for jog ;.30, Light outdoor exercise ; 09:00

Max Ignatius Atlas
Max Ignatius Atlas
Play for the WIN-WIN.


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