
What Vape Juice Makes the Biggest Clouds?

For people who really enjoy vaping, there’s something about blowing enormous clouds across a room that never gets old. It’s something that you could never have done as a cigarette smoker, for a number of reasons. Filling a room with smoke is socially unacceptable if you’re around people who don’t smoke, and there’s a limit to the volume of smoke that a cigarette can produce anyway. Vaping devices, on the other hand, seem to have almost no practical limit on the amount of vapour they can produce. If you want to absolutely flood a room with vapour, nothing is stopping you.

If you want to do some serious cloud chasing, though, you’ve got to have the right vape juice.

Different brands and flavours of vape juice may look more or less the same as one another, but the truth is that there actually are some pretty significant differences between e-liquids – and some are definitely better suited to cloud chasing than others.

So, what vape juice makes the biggest clouds? Reading this guide, you’re going to learn the answer to that question.

High-VG Vape Juice Makes the Biggest Clouds

Although the exact composition of an e-liquid varies between products, all vape juice consists of the same four basic ingredients: vegetable glycerine (VG), propylene glycol (PG), flavours and nicotine. The only things that differ from one e-liquid to the next are the specific flavours used and the ratios of the other ingredients. VG and PG are the two most prevalent ingredients in any vape juice, though, so we’ll focus on those first. 

VG and PG are the base constituents of any vape juice. Together, they typically comprise around 90 percent of what’s in the bottle. VG and PG dilute the flavours and nicotine to the desired strengths. They also emulsify the ingredients in e-liquid, eliminating the need to shake the bottle constantly to keep the ingredients mixed together. Since VG and PG are the majority of what’s in any vape juice, they’re also largely responsible for creating the clouds that you see when you vape. 

VG and PG aren’t always used in equal proportions in vape juice. An e-liquid maker may use more of one compound and less of the other in order to create certain desired characteristics in the final product. VG and PG are quite different from one another, and the most important thing to be aware of if you’re interested in cloud chasing is the fact that VG is noticeably thicker than PG. It isn’t just thicker when it’s in liquid form; it’s also thicker when it’s vaporized. 

If you want to buy the vape juice that makes the biggest clouds, you need to look for an e-liquid with a VG/PG ratio that’s heavily skewed in favour of VG. You can often find an e-liquid’s VG/PG ratio on the bottle, and you can also look it up online if necessary. For the biggest possible clouds, look for an e-liquid labelled either “Max VG” or “100% VG.” If an e-liquid is labelled “100% VG,” it should contain no PG at all.

If You Want Even Bigger Clouds, Use Unflavoured Nicotine-Free Vape Juice

Are you more interested in cloud chasing than any other aspect of vaping – even to the point where you don’t care about the flavour or the nicotine? If that’s the case for you, it’s worth considering buying a vape juice that omits those two things. Flavours and nicotine may comprise as much as 15 percent of an e-liquid in some cases, and omitting those two things along with the PG leaves you with a vape juice consisting of nothing but VG. In fact, a nicotine-free pure VG e-liquid base is exactly what people use when they’re performing vape tricks or taking part in cloud competitions. 

In an e-liquid, flavours only get in the way of cloud chasing. Most flavours are set in PG, and there are even some flavours that use grain alcohol as a base. Both of those liquids are much thinner than VG, which means that using a flavoured e-liquid will severely limit your potential cloud production. If cloud production is more important to you than anything else, you need to cut out all of the unnecessary ingredients and vape a pure pharmaceutical-grade all-VG e-liquid base.

Vape Hardware Also Has an Impact on Cloud Production

As we’ve explained in this article, the e-liquid that you need if you’re looking for the vape juice that makes the biggest clouds isn’t really an e-liquid at all – it’s pure vegetable glycerine. If you don’t want to miss out on the flavour and nicotine aspects of vaping, you want to buy a vape juice that’s as close to pure VG as possible. The more VG an e-liquid contains, the thicker it’ll be – and the bigger clouds it’ll produce as a result. 

Before you go out and buy an all-VG e-liquid, though, it’s important to ensure that your vaping device is designed to work well with such a thick vape juice. If you try to load pure vegetable glycerine into a small pod-based device designed for thin nicotine salt e-liquid, you’re going to end up getting a nasty surprise because your device’s small wick openings won’t be able to accommodate the thickness of pure VG. 

If you want to use a 100-percent VG vape juice without the harsh “dry hits” that accompany a clogged wick, you have two options.

  • You can use a sub-ohm tank. Many of today’s vape tanks have very large wick openings and can accommodate the thick e-liquids used for cloud chasing. You simply want to make sure to buy a vape tank that has a large, wide coil, and you should have an excellent experience even if you’re vaping pure VG.
  • If you want to delve even further into cloud chasing, you can use a rebuildable dripping atomizer or RDA. When you use an RDA, you put the e-liquid directly on the wick – and that means the thickness of the vape juice is irrelevant. You’ll never experience a dry hit with an RDA, even if you’re vaping pure VG – and since an RDA has extremely large airflow holes, it’s perfect for allowing you to enjoy enormous cloud production.


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