
Why Do Cannabis Consumers Become Vegetarians?

As the legalization of cannabis becomes more prevalent, so does the number of people using it for medicinal purposes. While there are many benefits to using cannabis, one of the drawbacks is that it can lead to an increased appetite. It can be a problem for people trying to maintain a healthy weight or those with dietary restrictions. However, there is a solution: becoming a vegetarian.

Several strains of cannabis are very high in fiber, which helps satisfy hunger and slows down digestion. These types of strains will also often induce feelings of satiety due to the cannabinoids they contain. Sativa dominant strains, the gushers are typically higher in THC and lower in CBD. The gushers strain has been described as providing full-body relaxation while still energizing. Other effects include euphoria, happiness, creativity, and heightened sensory awareness.

What defines a vegetarian

Most vegetarians do not eat meat, poultry, or fish. Some will also exclude dairy and eggs from their diet. Some people turn to vegetarianism because they don’t want to participate in the death of animals, some for health and others for religious reasons. For a lot of us, it’s about compassion for all beings.

The reasoning behind becoming a vegetarian is different for everyone, but what we all have in common is that when you’re a vegetarian, you don’t eat meat, fish or poultry. Cannabis consumers may become vegetarians for many reasons, including:

Concerns About Animal Cruelty and Human Health

Eating animals is usually a major contributor to animal cruelty because slaughtering animals without stunning them first cause tremendous pain. Also, animal products are often laden with pathogens that cause human diseases. Many doctors say that cutting out animal products from the diet is one of the best things someone can do for their physical health; a plant-based diet has been linked to lower cholesterol levels, blood pressure, weight loss, improved energy levels, and increased longevity in general.

Values and Beliefs

Many people decide to become vegetarian for ethical reasons. For example, some are opposed to slaughtering animals for food because they believe animals have feelings and should not be killed for human consumption. Religious traditions may also promote vegetarianism, such as Jainism or Hinduism. Environmental concerns may also lead someone to stop eating meat; factory farming is an unsustainable way of producing food that causes significant damage to land and air quality.

Economic Concerns

Many low-income families cannot afford expensive cuts of meat like steak or other types of seafood. Vegetarian dishes, however, are typically cheaper than meat-based dishes. A vegetarian diet can allow people to save money on groceries while still getting the nutrients they need.

Problems With Mental Health

Some cannabis consumers find that being vegetarian helps improve mental health issues in many ways. Sometimes it’s about avoiding hormones found in meat and eggs that can affect mood swings; sometimes, it’s about feeling full longer when we skip the meat and heavy carbs; sometimes, it’s about gaining more control over our diets by picking out which ingredients we put into our bodies.

Impacts on the Environment

A growing number of experts argue that the high meat demand contributes to global warming. Livestock production accounts for about 60% of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, making it one of the top contributors to climate change. Raising livestock takes up nearly half of all agricultural land in North America, making it difficult to grow food crops in those areas.

People Are Happier When They’re Vegetarian

Vegetarians report feeling happier, less bloated, less constipated, and generally healthier than non-vegetarians. Not only does going vegan means you’re eliminating unhealthy foods from your diet, but you’re also adding in plenty of healthy fruits and vegetables. When we make conscious decisions about what goes into our body – whether it’s medicine or food – we feel better physically and mentally.

You Can Eat Whatever You Want

While there are many benefits to vegetarianism, it’s also true that some people are vegetarians simply because they don’t want to give up the tastes and textures of meat. If this is the case for you, don’t worry! Vegetarians can enjoy delicious food that mimics meat in lots of different ways. Vegan meat substitutes include soy curls, textured vegetable protein, veggie burgers, and tempeh.

What Are the Benefits of Being a Vegetarian?

  1. Vegetarian diets can offer many benefits, including reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. In addition, vegetarians generally have lower rates of obesity than non-vegetarians with these associated health risks. Vegans also typically have lower levels of cholesterol and higher levels of HDL cholesterol, which reduces the risk of heart disease.


There are many reasons why people might choose to become vegetarian, but for cannabis consumers, a few key reasons stand out. For one, many people who consume cannabis do so for medical reasons, and a plant-based diet can benefit those with certain medical conditions. Additionally, many people who consume cannabis are concerned about the environment and animal agriculture’s impact on the planet. Many vegetarians enjoy the taste and variety of plant-based foods. So next time you try out this lifestyle, make sure you give your body a break from animal products and embrace vegetables.

The information in this article is intended to be general in nature. It’s not intended to be a substitute for medical advice in any way from a healthcare professional. Any claims made in the article are untested. Unwrapped encourages you to make any treatment decisions with your healthcare professional.



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