
World Population Day 2022 Theme

World Population Day 

World Population Day is celebrated every year on July 11. The annual World Population Day, which takes place on July 11, aims to raise awareness of global population challenges and encourage action. In 1989, the United Nations Development Program’s Governing Council launched the event. On July 11, 1987, when the world’s population surpassed five billion for the first time, it sparked widespread interest in “Five Billion Day.” World Population Day aims to raise public awareness of issues related to population growth, such as the value of family planning, gender equality, poverty, and the health of women and children during pregnancy.

When Dr. K.C. Zachariah was Sr Demographer at the World Bank, he came up with the idea of the day when the population surpassed five billion people. Do you know? In contrast to the media’s and the general public’s focus on billions of people, the world’s population increases by 100 million every 14 months. On February 6, 2016, there were 7,400,000,000 people on the planet; on April 24, 2017, at 16:21 UTC, there were 7,500,000,000 people on the planet. 

In 2019, the world’s population surpassed the 7 billion mark. To speed up efforts to meet these unfulfilled objectives, UNFPA, Kenya, and Denmark will host a high-level summit in Nairobi in November. World Population Day is an opportunity for activists worldwide to urge action from governments, institutions, and other stakeholders to ensure that all people have access to reproductive health and rights.


On July 11, 1987, the world’s population was projected to have reached an estimated five billion people, which was the day of Five Billion Day (hence the annual date for World Population Day). And look at how many more people there are now! There is a wide range of topics related to population, including family planning, gender equality, environmental implications, and human rights.

In 1987, ‘Five Billion Day’ sparked a spike in widespread interest in celebrating five billion people worldwide. In December 1990, the United Nations declared this date to be ‘World Population Day,’ officially establishing it by resolution 45/216.

With an increasing global population comes a growing number of challenges. It is a serious problem, given that the world’s resources are being depleted at an unsustainable pace. Overpopulation’s impact on human development and the environment is increasingly being discussed.

 Additionally, as the population grows, so does the need for family planning, gender equality, and maternal health, making these issues more critical. Human rights abuses and gender inequality are on the rise, especially in emerging nations, due to the growing global population. Leadership is already doing a poor job of caring for its residents, and as more people enter the world, crimes such as human trafficking and child labor will become more commonplace.


World Population Day is an excellent chance for you to do some study on population concerns. The United Nations Populations Fund is an excellent place to begin, as it is the primary UN organization tasked with addressing population concerns. However, since there are several options, focus on a handful and learn everything you can about them, including the issues they face and how you might be able to solve them.

In the developing world, nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are working tirelessly to improve the lives of millions of people. They include groups that teach women about contraception and family planning, organizations that help people raise themselves out of poverty, and organizations that assist refugees who have abandoned their homeland due to environmental or human rights violations. 

All Events: 2022 Events Calendar

Fun Fact

What is the ongoing population of the world?

The ongoing population of the world is 7.8 Billion.

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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