
5 Best Movies About Gambling You Should Watch Now

There are many different films about poker, casinos, betting, etc. This is a theme that is widely covered in the cinema industry and numerous movies have been made. We will tell you about the 5 best gambling movies that you should watch now.

The Gambler

Some people simply cannot live calmly, even if they should have chosen the right path in all respects. This also happens to the hero of the movie Jim Bennett. During the day he teaches, and at night he turns into a man driven by vices in the form of cards or roulette.


Unfortunately, Jim is quite emotional inside, so he often commits rash acts: having won a huge amount of money in an evening, thanks to his attentiveness and intelligence, he can lose everything with one rash bet, in which the result depends on luck.

Owning Mahowny

Good movie based on the novel by Stephen Ross. Colleagues know him as a diligent, responsible employee of a large organization, whom you can easily rely on. However, after dark, Dan Mahone – a respectable worker, turns into a gambler. He often does not calculate his strength and is left with empty pockets. A man borrows money and loses it to the penny, unable to cope with his addiction. Suddenly, an idea emerges in his head, upon implementation of which he will be able to live for his own pleasure until the end of his days.


The movie has quickly become popular and one of the classics in the industry. A lot of people actually got inspiration from this movie to start gambling. For example, an online casino New Zealand started accepting many players after the movie was released.


Jack Manfred is a person of the world of writers because he is a talented writer of our time. But he got so tired of writing novels that he decided to leave writing for a while, getting a job as a croupier at a local casino. He constantly observes the clients of the gambling establishment with aloofness and coolness, thereby behaving in the same way as when writing another work. Soon, Jack will succumb to the temptation to become a participant in a scam. However, temptations can lead even beyond the bounds of the generally accepted foundation.


A young law student and professional card player at the same time, Mike dreams of winning the World Championship of Poker, which will bring him money and loud fame. But Mike loses a large sum of money to a crime boss named Teddy, after which he vows never to take a card in his life. Soon, Mike’s childhood friend Lester appears in Mike’s life. He got out of prison with huge debts and on the very first day of his freedom managed to make a bunch of enemies. To save his friend, Mike will have to return to the world of high-stakes card games, thus breaking the promise he recently made to himself and his girlfriend.


At the age of 14, he was the best gambler in the dark streets of New York. At the age of 20, a desperate genius fled to Las Vegas from the mafia and debts. There he became the youngest world poker champion and soon lost everything. Stu Ungar shuffled his life like cards because the cards were his whole life.


To this day, in underground clubs and at prestigious tournaments, there are legends about how, having fallen to the very bottom, Stu did the impossible and rose to the top again. He took risks and made crazy bets, challenging the changeable fortune. But he forgot that the price of a great triumph is always too high.

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