
5 Movies Like Breath to Watch

5 Movies Like Breath to Watch

Best Movies Like Breath



Here is our list of movies like Breath that we are sure you will enjoy. About Breath The story is based on Tim Winton’s award-winning and internationally bestselling novel set in mid-1970s coastal Australia. Two teenage boys eager for discovery form an unlikely friendship with a mysterious older adventurer who pushes them to take risks that will impact their lives in a profound and lasting way.


Breath Related Movies List



Year: 2013

Director: Morgan O’Neill

As the modern surf industry was born in the 70s, two brothers battled killer waves, conservative society, and ruthless bikers.

Big Wednesday

Year: 1978

Director: John Milius

Three young California surfers of the 1960s are Matt Johnson, Jack Barlow, and Leroy Smith. Though initially delighted by the carefree life of beaches, girls, and waves, they eventually realize the world is changing, becoming more complex, and less amenable to simple solutions.


Year: 2008

Director: Dan Castle

The movie Newcastle is a coming-of-age story with a family drama and surfing elements. Jesse, 17, is haunted by his brother Victor’s failure to become surfing’s Next Big Thing.

Australian Rules

Year: 2002

Director: Paul Goldman

On the football field of Prospect Bay, a remote outpost on the South Australian coast, two communities, the Goonyas and Nungas, come together.

Return to the Blue Lagoon

Year: 1991

Director: William A. Graham

Although this film shares the same general themes as “The Blue Lagoon” (the film to which it is a sequel), its basic story is quite different.

The Best Movies Like Breath


I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Breath, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Breath.


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Max Ignatius Atlas
Max Ignatius Atlas
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