
5 Movies Like Muru To Watch

Best Movies Like Muru

Here is our list of Movies like Muru that we are sure you will enjoy. When the government conducts an armed raid through his Ruatoki neighborhood on a school day, local Police Sergeant “Taffy” Tawharau (Cliff Curtis), forced to choose between his badge and his people, must make a difficult decision.

Muru Related Movies List

Parmanu: The Story of Pokhran

Year: 2018

Director: Abhishek Sharma

The American Lacrosse satellite and local spies present problems as Ashwat Raina and his teammates travel to Pokhran to re-conduct a secret nuclear test. inhabitants.

Madras Cafe

Year: 2013


In order to dismantle a stubborn rebel group, an Indian intelligence agent travels to a war-torn coastal island where he meets an ardent journalist.

I Am Wrath

Year: 2016

Director: Chuck Russell

Stanley Hill unleashes a savage retribution on the goons who killed his wife and the dishonest police officers who are defending them.

A Better Tomorrow

Year: 2010

Director: Hae-sung Song

Hyuk, an arms dealer, and Young-chun are so closely related that nothing can split them apart. Hyuk’s younger brother Chul was left behind when the two were able to flee North Korea. Hyuk’s family suffered for his betrayal, and his mother passed away in prison, thus he will never be able to rid himself of the guilt.

Vigilante Diaries

Year: 2016

Director: Christian Sesma

The Armenian mafia boss wants Vigilante after he kills numerous bad guys, including Armenians. The boss receives assistance, but Vigilante also does.

The Best Movies Like Muru

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Muru, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Muru.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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