
5 Movies Like Spinning Gold To Watch

Best Movies Like Spinning Gold

Here is our list of Movies like Spinning Gold that we are sure you will enjoy. A biography of Casablanca Records co-founder and 1970s record producer Neil Bogart.

Spinning Gold Related Movies List


Year: 2020

Director: Valérie Lemercier

The 14th child of a modest family will rise to become the most well-known singer in the world with the help of her family and the man she loves.

Wish You

Year: 2021

Director: Do Joon Sung

keyboardist for S who is reserved. A Korean music label spots a handsome male street performer and is instantly enthralled, falling in love. The singer is given a chance in the industry and a place in his heart after he shows his boss the video.

Mighty Oak

Year: 2020

Director: Sean McNamara

After losing her vocalist brother in a car accident, a young guitar prodigy enters the picture, and it is left to rumor that he might be a reincarnation of her deceased brother.

The High Note

Year: 2020

Director: Nisha Ganatra

A superstar singer and her overworked PA are given a decision that could change the trajectory of their individual careers.

Lost Transmissions

Year: 2019

Director: Katharine O’Brien

When a well-known music producer stops taking his schizophrenia medication, his friends track him down in the Los Angeles music scene and try to get him committed to a mental hospital, exposing the alarming shortcomings of our mental health care system.

The Best Movies Like Spinning Gold

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Spinning Gold, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Spinning Gold.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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