
5 Reasons Why You Should Start Lifting Weights, Now!

Certainly, you’re one of those girls who desire a more toned physique; nevertheless, you’re wary of lifting weights since you feel that doing so would merely result in your body growing overweight rather than shaping your figure. I can guarantee you that this is completely incorrect, and as a consequence, I will give you a list of reasons why you should go to the gym today and lift weights as a result of this.

Body Sculpted in a 2×3

It is my pleasure to inform you that if you were under the assumption that the only way to get your cardio in was via aerobic exercise, you were incorrect. In the course of a series of investigations, the researchers came to the following conclusions: While participating in circuit training, your heart rate increases by 15 beats per minute on average. Jogging would provide significantly less benefits than this, if any at all. Don’t you think that’s great, don’t you?

Bye Calories

Lifting weights is really necessary if you want to lose weight healthily and effectively. Consequently, taking this step will increase the number of calories you burn when at rest significantly. This happens as a result of the fact that the muscles need the energy to repair the fibers that have been injured after doing strength training.

Healthier Heart

According to the results of the research, those who engaged in weight training at least three times a week were able to lower their diastolic blood pressure after two months. It is a fantastic option since it lowers the risk of stroke by 40% and the possibility of having a heart attack by 15%.

You Are A Stress Fighter

Lifting weights may help you keep your body calm and collected whether you’re under a lot of pressure at work or at home. The use of a virtual assistant is one of the most useful options when you are feeling overloaded by your work or under stress at home.

You Will Live Longer

Put your body through its paces, and you will minimize your chances of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer, which are both preventable. If you start doing this at a young age, you can be certain that your adult life will be wonderful. You could live up to 85 years without experiencing a serious illness if you think about it.


Lifting weights is really necessary if you want to lose weight healthily and effectively. While participating in circuit training, your heart rate increases by 15 beats per minute on average. This happens as a result of the fact that the muscles need the energy to repair the fibers that have been injured after doing strength training. Lifting weights may help you keep your body calm and collected whether you’re under a lot of pressure at work or at home.

Also see: Naps During The Day Can Ruin Your Health

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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