
8 Simple Steps to Decluttering Your Garage

8 Simple Steps to Decluttering Your Garage in No Time

Are you fed up of seeing how cluttered your garage has become? Do you know that a clean garage can provide a lot of benefits to you? It decreases the risk of bacteria and also minimizes the garage’s maintenance cost. If you wish to avail these benefits, then these 8 simple steps can help you in decluttering your garage.

Decide Which Items Aren’t Worth Keeping

Thoroughly inspect the contents of your garage and decide whether any item in there is worth keeping. If you haven’t used an item for a long time, it might not be of use to you anymore.

Decluttering Your Garage

Sorting The Useless Clutter

After deciding which of the items in your garage have no value for you, it is time to sort them into different boxes. Each box should be filled based on the individual value of the items being discarded.

Garage Sale

The Garage Sale box should contain any item which you think might be of any use to someone else. You can gain a quick buck or two out of an item that you don’t need, and someone can put that item to good use. It’s a win-win.


All the toys and clothes that your children have outgrown should be put in the Charity box. Donating clothes and toys is the best possible way of getting rid of them. You can also include any items from the Garage Sale that wasn’t bought by anyone in this box.

Red Cross, Lifeline and Salvos are the best charity institutions that you can donate items to in Brisbane.


Any items that couldn’t be sold or donated is basically trash that you need to throw out. This includes broken appliances and furniture that can’t be repaired. Make sure that such small items are disposed of properly.

However, you shouldn’t dispose of big items yourself. Check the collection dates for any kerbside acceptable items and place them on the kerb by 6 AM.


As for the items you want to keep, you might need a little help in moving them especially if they are valuable antiques. Redcliffe Removals offers services for internal moves and can be of great help to you.

Be sure to buy storage items from Ikea or Bunnings for storing all the items you intend to keep in the garage.

Storage Unit

If there are items which you want to keep but can’t allocate space for in the garage should be moved to a storage unit. Redcliffe Removals works with and offers storage units. You can read more about the options you have available.

Regular Maintenance

If you want your garage to remain clean and uncluttered, then you should maintain it on a regular basis.

Redcliffe Removals has a wealth of experience when it comes to cleaning garages. We are here to help, so get in touch with us! I hope you got all the information regarding Decluttering Your Garage. If you want to know more then checkout our previous blogs.

Main Image Source : Pixabay

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