
Excessive Sweating In The Hands: Causes And How To Treat?

Excessive hand perspiration is a typical condition that occurs mostly under stressful settings. Our palms are densely packed with sweat glands that produce perspiration. Palmar hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating in the palms of the hands, is caused by the over-functioning of these glands.

Hyperhidrosis is characterized as primary when excessive sweating in one region of the body, such as the head, face, armpits, hands, and feet, is not related to a disease as if it were one of its symptoms. The issue in this situation has a significant hereditary component to it, which is mostly caused by emotional circumstances.

The condition usually starts in childhood or adolescence and might last a lifetime or resolve on its own in maturity.

Due to excessive perspiration on the palms, children and teens may find that their notebooks get smeared, and their sheets become moist.

Because of the fear and humiliation of touching someone or greeting with a handshake, having this condition may cause a lot of embarrassment and social isolation. As a result, many people are seeking answers to the issue.

Excessive sweating of the hands may be treated with both conventional and surgical methods, but psychotherapy is necessary to address the underlying cause of hyperhidrosis.

Learn about the reasons of excessive hand sweating and the treatment options available.

Causes Of Excessive Sweating In The Hands

Hand sweat is generated by a different kind of sweat gland than the apocrine sweat glands located in the armpits. Eccrine sweat glands are found on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.

Sweat production increases when the ambient temperature rises and when we exert physical exertion, as a method of controlling our internal temperature and avoiding overheating. But we all know that sweating is caused by more than simply heat and physical activity.

Nerve cells, or neurons, linked to both kinds of sweat glands. That’s why we sweat more when we’re anxious or stressed, since the hormones secreted by the neurological system directly affect the functioning of these glands.

These are hereditary characteristics that determine whether the eccrine glands, which are more concentrated in the hands and feet, or the apocrine glands, which are more concentrated in the armpits, may overproduce sweat in response to emotional stimuli, resulting in hyperhidrosis.

If you or someone in your family sweats more in their hands and feet when they are frightened or anxious, you may have hyperhidrosis in these areas as well.

Even though the air conditioning is on, if your hands sweat during a job interview or a public presentation, it’s probable that your sweating is a reaction to an emotional stimulus rather than your body’s normal temperature-regulating function. really intense

Excessive Sweating On The Hands: How To Treat

Treatment starts after it is determined that your condition is primary palmar hyperhidrosis, or excessive sweating in the hands that is not caused by a disease.

There are numerous treatment options available, ranging from oral medicines to surgery. A dermatologist, psychiatrist, endocrinologist, and thoracic and vascular surgeon are among the professionals that may help with the situation.

As a result, you must choose a professional you can trust and follow up thoroughly, without altering the treatment strategy at each meeting with a new expert.

It’s also crucial to remember that although you may address the symptom, which is excessive hand sweating, you can’t ignore the reason. As a result, psychological and/or psychiatric follow-up may greatly aid in the resolution of your condition.

Ideally, you should always begin with traditional clinical therapies and only resort to surgery as a last resort.

The Main Treatment Options Are:


They are aluminum chloride-based products that diminish or even prevent sweat glands from producing perspiration.

These products are marketed as “antiperspirants,” however they vary from regular antiperspirants in that they incorporate aluminum salts in their formulation.


This method uses a low-voltage electric bath on your hands to inhibit your sweat glands. This therapy normally has a one-month impact, after which more sessions are required.

Iontophoresis is not a permanent solution. Daily sessions are used for the first 8 to 10 days, then fortnightly or monthly sessions are used to sustain the impact.

Anticholinergic Drugs

Some drugs work by inhibiting the central nervous system’s activity on the sweat glands. Anticholinergic pharmaceuticals include Retemic (oxybutynin hydrochloride) and glycopyrrolate, which are the most often prescribed.

Botulinum Toxin (botox)

The neural substance receptor that promotes the generation and release of sweat by the sweat glands is blocked by botulinum toxin injection.

The toxin prevents excessive sweating by blocking brain-sweat gland connection.

However, this therapy is not permanent and only lasts 4 to 6 months. After that period, the client must have additional injections, which may be rather painful, thus this therapy is not for everyone.

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Kelly W
Kelly W
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.
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