
Ada Palmer’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Ada Palmer Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Ada Palmer, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Ada Plamer you will find my ten favourites of Ada Plamer’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Is it not miraculous, reader, the power of the mind to believe and not believe at once?”
Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“I wanted it so much. So much sometimes it felt like I couldn’t breathe. Sometimes I would cry, not because I was sad, but because it hurt, physical pain from the intensity of wanting something so much. I’m a good student of philosophy, I know my Stoics, Cynics, their advice, that, when a desire is so intense it hurts you, the healthy path is to detach, unwant it, let it go. The healthy thing for the self. But there are a lot of reasons one can want to be an author: acclaim, wealth, self-respect, finding a community, the finite immortality of name in print, so many more. But I wanted it to add my voice to the Great Conversation, to reply to Diderot, Voltaire, Osamu Tezuka, and Alfred Bester, so people would read my books and think new things, and make new things from those thoughts, my little contribution to the path which flows from Gilgamesh and Homer to the stars. And that isn’t just for me. It’s for you. Which means it was the right choice to hang on to the desire, even when it hurt so much.”

Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“Books, even made-up stories, can’t all have happy endings because they reflect the real world, and the real world isn’t always happy.”
Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“What we choose means more than what is handed to us by chance.”
Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“The great breakthrough of our age is supposed to be that we measure success by happiness, admiring a man for how much he enjoyed his life, rather than how much wealth or fame he hoarded, that old race with no finish line. Diogenes with his barrel and his sunlight lived every hour of his life content, while Alexander fought and bled, mourned friends, faced enemies, and died unsatisfied. Diogenes is greater. Or does that past-tainted inner part of you—the part that still parses ‘thee’ and ‘thou’ and ‘he’ and ‘she’—still think that happiness alone is not achievement without legacy? Diogenes has a legacy. Diogenes ruled nothing, wrote nothing, taught nothing except by the example of his life to passersby, but, so impressed were those bypassers, that, after the better part of three millennia, we still know this about him.”

Ada Palmer, Seven Surrenders

“Oh, miraculous chameleon, science, who can reverse your doctrine hourly and never shake our faith! What cult ever battered by this world of doubt can help but envy you?”
Ada Palmer, Seven Surrenders

“Now, the penis is round, and the anus is round, while the vagina’s opening is long and narrow; clearly then Nature designed the penis to fit into the anus, not into the vagina.”
Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“Celibacy is the most extreme of sexual perversions, after all.”

Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“We all imagine happy endings to such books, pick out the page, the paragraph, in which we would step in and pluck the innocents to safety.”

Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

“As Machiavelli observed, Rome showed, tyrant after tyrant, how those reared in palatine luxury, expecting to be master of the world, basely abused the godlike authority that fell to them unearned, while those promoted through merit—Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius—made judicious use of the Imperium of which they considered themselves, not owners, but custodians. It is not power that corrupts, but the belief that it is yours.”

Ada Palmer, The Will to Battle

10 Famous Quotes by Author Ada Palmer

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Ada Palmer, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Ada Palmer.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Ada Palmer.

One Final Bonus – Longer – Ada Palmer Quote 

“Heartless reality does not grant humans the lifespan necessary to master every specialty of science, so no one genius in his secret lab can really bring robots, mutants, and clones into the world at his mad whim–it takes a team, masses of funds, and decades. But one man can love all sciences, even if he cannot wield them, and he can inspire children with the model of the mad genius, even if he cannot live it.”
Ada Palmer, Too Like the Lightning

Also Read: Dystopian Books for Adults

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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