
Adam Sternbergh’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Adam Sternbergh Quotes

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Sternbergh, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adam Sternbergh you will find my ten favourites of Adam Sternbergh’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“No matter what you have, or how lucky you think you are, there’s nothing in this world you can hold on to so tightly that it can’t be taken from you.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

 “You’ll leave a trail of trash on this Earth that will far exceed anything of worth you leave behind. For every ounce of heirloom, you leave a ton of landfill.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

“when only poor people use something, no one takes care of it. Roads, schools, neighborhoods. Subways too.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

“People get upset when you say you kill people. Fair enough.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

 “In [this] person, he had, bewilderingly, and for the first time ever, collided with another living soul whose continued existence on this earth he valued more than his own. Was that love? If so, then yes, they were in love.”
Adam Sternbergh, The Blinds

 “The thought of just how inadequate the body’s natural defenses –skull, bone, brain– were in the face of the advanced physics– lead, gun-powder, momentum — of invented death. It all seemed so absurd to him: that a life comprising so many accumulated years could be interrupted with such indifferent swiftness.”
Adam Sternbergh, The Blinds

“Let’s set the bar for ideas a little higher than not terrible.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

 “For unto you is given this day a boot to the head.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

“So strange don’t you think? To ascend to such a high position in your lifetime and then be totally forgotten? I mean, who even remembers Schuyler Colfax? Or John C. Breckinridge?’

‘The history boooks do.”
Adam Sternbergh, The Blinds

“Come nuclear winter, Hacky Sacks will prevail. A lone sack, being hackyed, on some burnt-out horizon. We’ll know civilization, and jam bands, survived.”
Adam Sternbergh, Shovel Ready

10 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Sternbergh

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Adam Sternbergh, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Adam Sternbergh . Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adam Sternbergh. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Adam Sternbergh Quote 

“[She] sees. She knows. She understands. About evil, or whatever you care to name it. It comes. It’s relentless. It doesn’t care if you forgot it. It searches, and it finds you, and it arrives on your doorstep one day, and it lights up a screen, it calls you by your real name, it smiles at you, it says hello, it eyes your son and promises to take him home.”
Adam Sternbergh, The Blinds

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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