
Adele Abbott’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favorite Adele Abbott Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote?

This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Adele Abbott, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adele Abbott you will find my ten favorites of Adele Abbott’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“According to her, I didn’t have an ounce of tact. That simply wasn’t true. It wasn’t my fault that they were all incompetent asshats. “Are”
Adele Abbott, Witch Is When It All Began

“I wasn’t going to let a cat push me around. What? Who are you calling a pushover?”
 Witch Is When The Hammer Fell

“Detective Maxwell?” Kathy said. “Why so formal? His name’s Jack isn’t it? Jack and Jill. You two were obviously meant for one another. Come on Jill. Why don’t you go up the hill to see Jack?” Kathy broke into her high-pitched squeal of a laugh, just as she did every time she made the same stupid joke.”
Witch Is When It All Began

“followed me into the living room.”
Witch Is When It All Began

“once she was engrossed in a good book, all other sounds faded into the background.”
Witch Is When It All Began

“I’d had this idea that my birth mother was waiting for me to get in touch, and that we’d have this fantastic reunion. When she rejected me for a second time, Mum and Dad were there for me again.”
Witch Is When It All Began

“movie, but deep down, underneath all that fur and latent aggression, he was sweet and adorable. At least, that’s what the woman at the cat re-homing centre had told me. Gullible? Who? Me? Winky jumped onto my desk, and immediately the young man pushed his chair back. He probably thought he’d be safe at that distance, but he hadn’t seen how far Winky could jump. “Get down!” I tried to push Winky off the desk, but he managed to avoid my arm. His meowing grew louder as he walked around in circles, directing his attention first at me and then at the young man. “Sorry about this.” I forced a smile, and pressed the intercom. “Mrs V?” “Hello.” Mrs V’s voice crackled”
Witch Is When It All Began

Adele Abbott

 “green liquid looked and smelled like no vegetables I’d ever seen. I had my suspicions that frogs or slugs might be involved. “Your loss.” She poured herself a bowlful, and joined me at the kitchen table. How was I supposed to concentrate when I was likely to throw up at any moment? “For your first lesson, I thought we’d focus on the ‘hide’, ‘sleep’ and ‘rain’ spells,” she said in between mouthfuls of (allegedly) vegetable soup. My name is Jill Gooder, and I’m a Private Investigator. My father was also a P.I. I joined the family business straight from school. When my father died, I took over. But I guess that doesn’t explain why I was taking magic lessons from Grandma. I’d only recently discovered that I was a witch—I didn’t find out until” ― Witch Is When Life Got Complicated

“There was something about the man that set my snark on full throttle.”
Witch Is When It All Began

“roads. But these weren’t normal circumstances”
Witch Is When It All Began

One Final Bonus – Longer – Adele Abbott Quote 

“What’s that thing?” The young man looked horrified. “That’s Winky.” How dare he call my darling cat a thing? Sure, Winky had only one eye, and looked as though he’d just walked off the set of a slasher movie, but deep down, underneath all that fur and latent aggression, he was sweet and adorable. At least, that’s what the woman at the cat re-homing centre had told me. Gullible? Who? Me? Winky jumped onto my desk, and immediately the young man pushed his chair back. He probably thought he’d be safe at that distance, but he hadn’t seen how far Winky could jump.”― Adele Abbott, Witch Is When It All Began

10 Famous Quotes by Author Adele Abbott

So there you have it my ten favorite quotes by Adele Abbott, please comment below and share your favorite quotes by the fantastic author Adele Abbott. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adele Abbott. 

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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