
Anita Diamant’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Anita Diamant Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Anita Diamant, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Anita Diamant you will find my Ten favourites of Anita Diamant’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“When a shy person smiles, it’s like the sun coming out.”
Anita Diamant, The Boston Girl

 “If you want to understand any woman you must first ask about her mother and then listen carefully. Stories about food show a strong connection. Wistful silences demonstrate unfinished business. The more a daughter knows about the details of her mother’s life – without flinching or whining – the stronger the daughter.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

“Egypt loved the lotus becuase it never dies. It is the same for people who are loved. Thus can something as insignificant as a name-two syllables, one high, one sweet- summon up the innumerable smiles, tears, sighs and dreams of a human life.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

 “I could not get my fill of looking.
There should be a song for women to sing at this moment or a prayer to recite. But perhaps there is none because there are no words strong enough to name that moment.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

 “I wanted to cry, but I realized that I was too old for that. I would be a woman soon and I would have to learn how to live with a divided heart.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

 “Death is no enemy, but the foundation of gratitude, sympathy, and art. Of all life’s pleasures, only love owes no debt to death.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

“The painful things seemed like knots on a beautiful necklace, necessary for keeping the beads in place.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

 “If you want to understand any woman, you must first ask about her mother and then listen carefully. ”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

“The more a daughter knows the details of her mother’s life […] the stronger the daughter.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

“Of all life’s pleasures, only love owes no debt to death.”
― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

10 Famous Quotes by Author Anita Diamant

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Anita Diamant, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Anita Diamant.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Anita Diamant. 

One Final Bonus – Anita Diamant Quote 

“The great mother whom we call Innana gave a gift to woman that is not known among men, and this is the secret of blood. The flow at the dark of the moon, the healing blood of the moon’s birth – to men, this is flux and distemper, bother and pain. They imagine we suffer and consider themselves lucky. We do not disabuse them.

In the red tent, the truth is known. In the red tent, where days pass like a gentle stream, as the gift of Innana courses through us, cleansing the body of last month’s death, preparing the body to receive the new month’s life, women give thanks — for repose and restoration, for the knowledge that life comes from between our legs, and that life costs blood.”

― Anita Diamant, The Red Tent

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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