
Ann Cleeves’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Ann Cleeves Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Ann Cleeves, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Ann Cleeves you will find my Ten favourites of Ann Cleeves’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“like everything, sanity came more easily with practice.”
Ann Cleeves, Thin Air

 “Vera thought for a moment that she might have found a man if she’d scrubbed up a bit better, then decided that no man was worth the time it took to plaster stuff on your face in the morning, when you could have an extra cup of tea instead.”
― Ann Cleeves, The Moth Catcher

“Not unless he crossed the line.’ Holly supposed she should let this go, but she was tired of Vera’s bullying. ‘Ah, that line . . .’ Vera leaned back in her chair with her eyes half-closed. ‘If only we knew exactly where it was.’ There”
― Ann Cleeves, The Moth Catcher

 “She’d learned that it was important when you were dealing with professional do-gooders to keep calm. Otherwise they judged you. Wrote things like anger-management problems in their reports.”
― Ann Cleeves, The Moth Catcher

 “But she thought the men’s brains had turned to jelly. They couldn’t see straight. Faced with a pretty woman they all seemed to lose their reason.”
― Ann Cleeves, Telling Tales

 “He was never very good at talking about feelings. He’d been on his own for so long that it was as if he’d had to learn a new language”
― Ann Cleeves, Harbour Street

“They think of themselves as your grandparents,’ he said. But call them whatever you like. James and Mary?”
― Ann Cleeves, Thin Air

 “We don’t often notice the people who look after us, do we? Though we’d miss them if they weren’t there”
― Ann Cleeves, Harbour Street

“the hugeness of the world was a pool to dive into, not somewhere to drown.”
― Ann Cleeves, The Moth Catcher

“In theory Vera liked strong women; in practice they often irritated her.”
― Ann Cleeves, The Glass Room

10 Famous Quotes by Author Ann Cleeves

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Ann Cleeves, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Ann Cleeves.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Ann Cleeves. 

One Final Bonus – Ann Cleeves Quote 

“Rather than the grey and dreary institutions of public perception, these should be places of innovation and experiment, where readers can take a chance on a book, pick one because they like the look of the cover or the title or because they see it returned by the gorgeous young man who lives in their street. After all, they will have absolutely nothing to lose. The book will be free.”

― Ann Cleeves, The Library Book

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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