
Benedict Jacka’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Benedict Jacka Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles  we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Benedict Jacka, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Benedict Jacka you will find my Ten favourites of Benedict Jacka’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“I’ve heard of a guy in Chicago who advertises in the phone book under “Wizard”,though that’s probably a urban legend.”
― Benedict Jacka, Fated

“I don’t sell spells, and I don’t sell tricks. I don’t carry illusions or marked cards or weighted coins. I cannot sell you an endless purse or help you win the lottery. I can’t make that girl you’ve got your eye on fall in love with you, and I wouldn’t do it even if I could. I don’t have a psychic hotline to your dead relatives, I don’t know if you’re going to be successful in your career, and I don’t know when you’re going to get married. I can’t get you into Hogwarts or any other kind of magic school, and if you even mention those stupid sparkly vampires I will do something unpleasant to you.”
― Benedict Jacka, Cursed

“Starbreeze doesn’t rest, doesn’t sleep and can hear anything carried on moving air. It’d make her the perfect spy, except that most of what she hears goes in one ear and out the other.

“I’m looking for a Precursor relic, a new one”

“What’s a relic?” Starbreeze said curiously.

“A powerful magical thing. It would have been found a week or two ago”

“What’s a week?”
― Benedict Jacka,  Fated

“If you can’t have another ally,” I said at last, “next best thing is to give your enemy another enemy.”

― Benedict Jacka,  Fated

“Those of us who do like visitors have to advertise, and it’s tricky to find a way of doing it that doesn’t make you sound crazy. The majority rely on word of mouth, though younger mages use the Internet. I’ve even heard of one guy in Chicago who advertises in the phone book under “Wizard,” though that’s probably an urban legend.”
― Benedict Jacka, Fated

“Other mages have an odd attitude towards diviners. By the standards of, say, elemental mages. We can’t gate, we can’t attack, we can’t shield, and when it comes to physical action our magic is about as useful as a bicycle in a trampolining contest. But we can see anywhere and learn anything and there’s no secret we can’t uncover if we try hard enough. So when an elemental mage looks at a diviner, the elemental mage knows he could take him in a straight fight with no more effort that it would take to tie his shoes. On the other hand, the elemental mage also knows that the diviner could find out every one of his most dirty and embarrassing secrets and, should hi feel like it, post copies of them to everyone the elemental mage has ever met. It creates a mixture of uneasiness and contempt that doesn’t encourage warm feelings. There’s a reason most of my friends aren’t mages.”
― Benedict Jacka, Fated

“Has anybody ever told you’re a remarkably cynical person?”

“I like to think of it as learning from experience.”
― Benedict Jacka,  Taken

“Human beings tend to react better to good-looking people. It’s called the halo effect—someone’s attractive, so you trust them more. It’s natural, which makes it a hard habit to break, but once you start dealing with magical creatures you’d better learn to break it, and fast, because some of the most vicious things out there can make themselves look like absolute angels. Like unicorns. Don’t get me started on unicorns. For some reason everyone has this idealised image of them as beautiful innocent snowflakes. Beautiful, yes. Innocent, no. After you’ve had one of the little bastards try and kebab you, you wise up quick.”
― Benedict Jacka, Fated

“I’ll use my divination and look into the future. Hey, you know what, I’m seeing the future right now. If I stand here and wait, then in three minutes a train’s going to come. And after that, another train’s going to come. Here, I’ll let you guess what’s going to happen afterwards. I’ll give you a hint—there’s a train.”
― Benedict Jacka, Veiled

“If there’s one thing all diviners share, it’s curiosity. We really can’t help it; it’s just part of who we are. If you dug out a tunnel somewhere in the wilderness a thousand miles from anywhere and hung a sign on it saying, ‘Warning, this leads to the Temple of Horrendous Doom. Do not enter, ever. No, not even then’, you’d get back from lunch to find a diviner already inside and two more about to go in.

Come to think about it, that might explain why there are so few of us.”

― Benedict Jacka,  Fated

10 Famous Quotes by Author Benedict Jacka

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Benedict Jacka, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Benedict Jacka.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Benedict Jacka. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Benedict Jacka Quote 

“I don’t sell spells, and I don’t sell tricks. I don’t carry illusions or marked cards or weighted coins. I can not sell you an endless purse or help you win the lottery. I can’t make that girl you’ve got your eye on fall in love with you, and I wouldn’t do it even if I could. I don’t have a psychic hotline to your dead relatives, I don’t know if you’re going to be successful in your career, and I don’t know when you’re going to get married. I can’t get you into Hogwarts or any other kind of magic school, and if you even mention those stupid sparkly vampires I will do something unpleasant to you.”

― Benedict Jacka,  Cursed

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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