
How Is Body Temperature Regulated And What Is Fever?

How Does The Body Regulated Body Temperature

When the temperature of the inside of the body is around 37 degrees Celsius, it is optimal for performance in a healthy body. On the other hand, everyone has their own “normal” body temperature, which may be anywhere from a little bit higher to a little bit lower. In addition, the body constantly adjusts its temperature in response to the external environment; for instance, when you engage in physical activity, your body temperature rises. In the same way, it is lower during the night than during the day, and it is higher in the late afternoon than in the morning.

A region of the brain known as the hypothalamus is responsible for maintaining a constant temperature throughout the body. The hypothalamus analyses the current temperature and evaluates it in relation to the average temperature, which is around 37 degrees Celsius. If the temperature on the inside of the body is too low, it forces the body to produce heat and ensures that it is maintained. On the other hand, if the temperature of the body is too high, heat may escape through the skin in the form of sweat, which brings about a cooling effect.

The true meaning of the term “body temperature” refers to the temperature of the hypothalamus and other important internal organs. Because it is not feasible to determine it from the outside, the body’s temperature is measured in other parts of the body that are easier to reach. On the other hand, such measurements are often only marginally accurate.

How Can Fever Develop?

The brain is responsible for fever, which is characterized by an abnormally elevated body temperature. This may be initiated by infectious agents such as viruses or bacteria, but it can also be caused by endogenous chemicals such as prostaglandins. They were developed in order to combat illnesses.

A rise in the core temperature of the body that is at least 38 degrees Celsius higher than usual is considered to be a fever. When the patient’s temperature is at least 39.5 degrees Celsius higher, it is considered to be a high fever; when the patient’s temperature is at least 41 degrees Celsius higher, it is considered to be a very high fever. When referring to a person’s internal temperature, the phrase “elevated temperature” refers to a reading that is between 37.5 and 38 degrees Celsius.

Young children perspire less and later than older children and adults do when it is warm. This is in contrast to older children and adults, who perspire more quickly when it is warm. When it comes to very young children, the temperature control may not always work well. As a direct consequence of this, they react more quickly when they develop a fever. The core body temperature of newborns and younger children, particularly children of a younger age, is often higher than that of older children. This is owing to the fact that their body surface area is considerably bigger in contrast to their body weight, as well as the fact that their metabolism is much more active. Additionally, their body weight is far lower. When they are initially born, a baby’s body temperature is typically 37.5 degrees Celsius. This is the normal temperature of a newborn.

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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