Ten of My Favourite Carlos Fuentes Quotes
Carlos Fuentes, a writer whom I am guessing you love? Here are our 10 best Carlos Fuentes quotes for you to enjoy. At Australia Unwrapped we believe every book has at least one quotable line, and our mission is to find them all. Here you will find Carlos Fuentes’s top 10 popular and famous quotes. Like every good writer Carlos Fuentes made a number of memorable quotes, here are some of our favourites:
Popular Quotes
“chaos: it has no plural.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“One wants to tell a story, like Scheherezade, in order not to die. It’s one of the oldest urges in mankind. It’s a way of stalling death.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“I live through risk. Without risk there is no art. You should always be on the edge of a cliff about to fall down
and break your neck.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“Love can isolate us from everything around us. But in its absence, we can be filled with the fear that something comparable exists.”
― Carlos Fuentes, Todas las familias felices
“You start by writing to live. You end by writing so as not to die.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“Don’t classify me, read me. I’m a writer, not a genre.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“Writing is a struggle against silence.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“I need, therefore I imagine.”
― Carlos Fuentes
“Memory is satisfied desire.”
― Carlos Fuentes
10 Famous Quotes by Author Carlos Fuentes
Quotes for all, here you found our selection of 10 Carlos Fuentes quotes. Make sure you help by commenting your best Carlos Fuentes quote below and sharing our favourite authors so we can look them up, read some of their works and give you the best quotes we can find. We hope you enjoyed our top 10 quotes by Carlos Fuentes. However, feel free to comment below if you disagree or would like to include some other great and memorable Carlos Fuentes quotes in our list.
One Final Bonus – Carlos Fuentes Quote
“Yo no soy mexicano. Yo no soy gringo. Yo no soy chicano. No soy gringo en USA y mexicano en Mexico. Soy chicano en todas partes. No tengo que asimilarme a nada. Tengo mi propia historia.”
― Carlos Fuentes