
Carol Drinkwater’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Carol Drinkwater Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Carol Drinkwater, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Carol Drinkwater you will find my Ten favourites of Carol Drinkwater’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“Once upon a time, oh, it seems a long while ago now, I dreamed of a natural haven, of paradise winking down upon a tranquil blue sea. I had pictured friends and family at ease in my Garden of Eden, sharing, and at peace, a place where artists worked and lovers loved. But it had been a vague sketch, a dream without lines between the dots, until I met Michel. Then it began to gain wattage, to take on a shape, develop light and shade, rhythm, sinew. Together we have breathed life into those blurred images. Together we have discovered how to live a new life.

Even more, what has blossomed out of those dreams surpasses any bricks or mortar, or even the loveliest of pearly terraced olive groves. Our paradise lies in the depth of our love. What geographical points our traveling takes us no longer matters….

We began this enterprise on a shoestring. Love and tenacity have held it together. We can do it again if we have to. And in the discovery of all this, I have shed skins—driving ambition, materialism, a need to control my life. I am learning to let go and am empowered. My heart has found heart.”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France

 “Ik leer, langzaam en niet zonder pijn in mijn hart, het leven te nemen zoals het is, het eerbiedig te aanvaarden, er een feest van te maken, het te koesteren, uit te zaaien en ermee te werken zo lang me de tijd gegund is. Maar in het verloop van de tijd zal er steeds weer nieuwe schade ontstaan die hersteld moet worden, nieuwe wegen en omwegen die bewandeld moeten worden op de roetsjbaan van ons leven en ons gekwetste hart.

Zo is het, zo ziet het patroon van mijn leven eruit. Er komt geen diepe filosofie aan te pas en het is ook geen geheim. Het is heel gewoon de weg die je vol vreugde inslaat als je op een kruispunt in je leven staat. Maar in de stofwolken die ik zelf had opgeworpen, heeft het me wel veel tijd gekost om die weg te vinden. Maar goed, zoals Christophe van de perserij al zo kort en bondig opmerkte: ‘Het leven kost tijd’.”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Olive Season

“Once released from her trading responsibilities, she descended to Cannes’s famous seafront esplanade. Occasionally she dallied for a while, enjoying the sunshine while strolling the length of the Boulevard de la Croisette, or she might pause for un caffè espresso and a swift perusal of the announcements in the local daily newspaper, Nice Matin. More often than not, though, her habit was to walk purposefully in the direction of the new port close to the Pointe Croisette, where waiting patiently on the corner of Place Franklin Roosevelt was Maurice, her chauffeur, with her morning mail, seated in her second-hand 1996 Bentley Azure, its gleaming bodywork black as a beetle’s carapace.”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Girl in Room Fourteen

 “I am moving the rudder, shifting the course of my life. I have not thought of it this way before, but that is what I am doing. Taking my fate into my own hands, turning dreams into reality. And there is nothing more sacred or precious than that. To choose a direction: but how often do we miss the signposts?”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France

 “presentation, she looked drawn, as old as the limestone hills behind her property. Her facial skin was marbled, hair greying at the roots. She had grown frail, as though she might disintegrate at the first touch; she was a desiccated, vulnerable shadow of her former self and it was hard to”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Forgotten Summer

 “Nothing lasts forever. But there is new life; new colours, fresh words, new tunes to compose. There is now; time present, time future. We build with new bricks and hope our voices are heard, our music is sung and our love cherished for as long as it is offered.”
― Carol Drinkwater, Hotel Paradise

“I am reminded that love is timeless and regenerative. There is no beginning or end. All things are changing; nothing dies. And like the wind, love leaves its imprints everywhere.”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France

 “Somewhere within the meeting of our eyes, our souls were bonding, even if our day to day lives were far apart.”
― Carol Drinkwater

“Every fruit that bedecked Cecile’s gaily-dressed stall had been grown on her own holding.”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Girl in Room Fourteen

“How many worlds make up a life!”
― Carol Drinkwater, The Olive Farm: A Memoir of Life, Love, and Olive Oil in the South of France

10 Famous Quotes by Author Carol Drinkwater

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Carol Drinkwater, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Carol Drinkwater.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Carol Drinkwater. 

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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