
Chilean Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest (X-Rated)

Chilean Swear Words

Chileans are known for their colorful and fast-paced Spanish, and their swearing is no exception. Chilean profanity is a unique mix of vulgarity, humor, and creativity, often delivered with flair and passion. Whether you’re venting about Santiago’s traffic, debating football, or joking with friends over a pisco sour, Chilean swear words pack a punch. Here’s your ultimate guide to Chilean swearing, ranked from strongest to weakest.

Chilean Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest

The Strongest Swear Words in Chile

1. Conchetumadre

The Mother Insult

Conchetumadre,” meaning “motherf***er” or literally “shell of your mother,” is one of the most offensive insults in Chilean Spanish. It’s often used to express extreme anger or frustration.

  • Example:
    • “¡Eres un conchetumadre!” (You’re a motherf***er!)
    • “¡Conchetumadre, esto no funciona!” (Motherf***er, this doesn’t work!)
  • Pro Tip: This is as strong as it gets—use it sparingly and only when you’re ready for a fight.

2. Culiao

The All-Purpose F-Bomb

“Culiao,” meaning “f*er” or “ahole,” is a versatile swear word that can describe a person, situation, or even used as an adjective.

  • Example:
    • “Ese culiao no sabe manejar.” (That f***er doesn’t know how to drive.)
    • “¡Qué día más culiao!” (What a f***ed-up day!)
  • Pro Tip: Vulgar but widely used, it’s a staple of Chilean slang.

3. Hijo de Puta

The Universal Insult

“Hijo de puta,” meaning “son of a b****,” is a sharp insult used to describe someone despicable or infuriating.

  • Example:
    • “¡Ese hijo de puta me robó!” (That son of a b**** robbed me!)

Mid-Tier Chilean Insults (Still Pack a Punch)

4. Weón

The Iconic Slang

“Weón,” meaning “dude,” “idiot,” or “jerk,” is a widely used word in Chile. It can be friendly, insulting, or anything in between, depending on tone.

  • Example:
    • Friendly: “¡Hola, weón! ¿Cómo estás?” (Hey, dude! How are you?)
    • Insulting: “Eres un weón inútil.” (You’re a useless idiot.)
  • Pro Tip: One of the most versatile and common words in Chilean Spanish.

5. Maricón

The Betrayal Slam

“Maricón,” meaning “f****t” or “traitor,” is used to describe someone as cowardly or deceitful.

  • Example:
    • “¡No seas maricón, di la verdad!” (Don’t be a coward, tell the truth!)
  • Pro Tip: Offensive, but commonly used in casual arguments or jokes.

6. Puta

The Classic “Whore”

“Puta,” meaning “whore,” is a strong insult or an exclamation of frustration.

  • Example:
    • Insult: “¡Eres una puta mentirosa!” (You’re a lying whore!)
    • Exclamation: “¡Puta, olvidé mis llaves!” (Damn, I forgot my keys!)

The Playful and Milder Swears

7. Chucha

The Polite “Damn”

“Chucha,” meaning “damn” or “shit,” is a mild swear word often used in frustration or surprise.

  • Example:
    • “¡Qué chucha pasó aquí!” (What the hell happened here?)

8. Huevón (Variation of Weón)

The Casual Fool

“Huevón” is a softer variation of “weón” and is often used affectionately among friends.

  • Example:
    • “Oye, huevón, ¿qué hiciste?” (Hey, dude, what did you do?)

9. Pendejo

The Childish Insult

“Pendejo,” meaning “idiot” or “immature,” is a light insult often used to describe someone acting foolishly.

  • Example:
    • “Deja de actuar como un pendejo.” (Stop acting like a fool.)

10. Estúpido

The Straightforward “Stupid”

“Estúpido,” meaning “stupid,” is a simple and mild insult often used to express annoyance.

  • Example:
    • “Eres tan estúpido.” (You’re so stupid.)

Honorable Mentions

  • Fome: “Boring.”
  • Pelotudo: “Idiot” (borrowed from Argentina).
  • Chanta: “Scammer” or “fraud.”

Swearing Pro Tips

  1. Tone Is Key: Words like “weón” and “culiao” can be friendly or offensive depending on how they’re delivered.
  2. Cultural Sensitivity: Words like “maricón” and “puta” carry strong gender and cultural implications—use them carefully.
  3. Mix for Maximum Impact: Combine words for colorful insults—e.g., “¡Weón culiao!” (You f***ing idiot!).

Bonus Word: “Cachai”

Not a swear word, but quintessentially Chilean, “Cachai” means “you get it?” or “you understand?” It’s a key part of Chilean slang.

  • Example:
    • “Esto es súper fácil, cachai?” (This is super easy, you get it?)


Chilean swearing is as bold and expressive as the country itself. From the fiery “conchetumadre” to the versatile “weón,” these words capture the humor, frustration, and creativity of Chilean Spanish. Whether you’re joking with friends or venting about life, Chilean profanity is your toolkit. Use them wisely—and buena suerte (good luck)!

See Also: Kenyan Swear Words: Ranked Strongest to Weakest (X-Rated)

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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