
Cynthia Kadohata’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Cynthia Kadohata Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Cynthia Kadohata’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Cynthia Kadohata quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Cynthia Kadohata’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“Here at the sea—especially at the sea—I could hear my sister’s voice in the waves: “Kira-kira! Kira-kira!”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

 “Sometimes I thought about my future, because Lynn said I should. She said it was hard to tell at this point, but someday, if I didn’t go to Africa to study animals, I might be a beautiful genius tennis player. I didn’t worry about it one way or another. I didn’t care if I was a genius or if I was pretty or if I was good in sports. I just liked to listen to Lynn and to talk to Bera-Bera and to eat rice candies. The lady who used to live down the street could take all of her top teeth out of her mouth. She wasn’t allowed to eat chewy candy. I could eat any kind of candy I wanted because I still had my baby teeth. If they rotted, I would simply grow more teeth. That was pretty great.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

“For everything in my life, I would ask, Why? Why didn’t the Chinese lady have teeth? Probably it was because she didn’t brush them enough. I asked myself why we had to move to Georgia. It was because my father needed to work at this hatchery so he could support us better. Why did I kind of like that boy? Because he was kind of cute. And why was Lynnie sick? Why? There was no answer to that.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

 “I was worried that her spirit was watching me every time I cried. I was worried that if she saw me crying, she would be very unhappy and maybe she wouldn’t be able to leave the earth the way she was supposed to. So even though I wanted her to keep watching me, I wished she would forget about me and never see my crying and never worry about me anymore, even if that meant I was now alone.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

 “When she first died, I felt sorry about all the pills I’d given that made her feel so miserable. But now I didn’t feel so many regrets. Lynn wanted her life. I thought she was willing to suffer if she could still taste her food, if she could still talk about the sea, if she could still feel a breeze across her face, and even if she still could argue with her crazy sister!”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

 “I know a lot about when I was a little girl, because my sister used to keep a diary. Today I keep her diary in a drawer next to by bed. I like to see how her memories were the same as mine, but also different.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

“Some days I think she was really miserable, because she cried a lot. In a way, I’d had to steel my heart to her crying. You need to steel yourself to a lot of things when someone in your family is really sick.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

 “My sister had taught me to look at the world that way, as a place that glitters, as a place where the calls of the crickets and the crows and the wind are everyday occurrences that also happen to be magic.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

“The blue of the sky is one of the most special colors in the world, because the color is deep but see-through both at the same time.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

“I almost never slept deeply anymore–as soon as she said my name, I always sat up immediately, no matter how tired I was.”
― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

10 Famous Quotes by Author Cynthia Kadohata

10 quotes by Cynthia Kadohata there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Cynthia Kadohata quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Cynthia Kadohata Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Cynthia Kadohata Quote 

“It was hard to stay angry when I felt so sad. I would rather have felt angry, but instead, all I could do was sob. Even though people had been coming over all day, the house seemed so lonely that I couldn’t stand it.
The room grew somewhat dimmer. I didn’t move as it grew dimmer still. Then, with a start, I hurried outside and ran to the alley in back of our house. Through a break between the buildings, I saw that the sun hung low over the horizon. I watched it until it started to hide between two trees in the distance. Then I climbed on a car and watched until only half of the sun was visible, and then a quarter, and then I felt a huge sickening panic inside of me and ran as hard as I could to a ladder I saw down the alley. I rushed up the ladder and climbed on the roof of somebody’s garage. I saw the sun again, a quarter of it, and then a slice, and then it disappeared, the last time ever that the sun would set on a day my sister had lived.”

― Cynthia Kadohata, Kira-Kira

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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