
Grace Lin’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Grace Lin Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Grace Lin’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Grace Lin quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Grace Lin’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“Stories are not a waste of time”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

 “Because stories are how we share our lives and what we truly mourn when they are lost. Stories are what connect us to our past and carry us to our future. They are what we cherish and what we remember.”
― Grace Lin, When the Sea Turned to Silver

“Whenever I see her, we laugh enough to last for the month. She’s my best friend, and someday when we’re old enough I’m going to talk her into staying here forever.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

 “Bringing fortune to our house! Making Fruitless Mountain bloom! You’re always wishing to do impossible things! Stop believing stories and stop wasting your time.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

 “Impossible?” the goldfish man said. “Don’t you see? Even fates written in the Book of Fortunes can be changed. How can anything be impossible?”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

 “Fortune was not a house full of gold and jade, but something much more.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

“If you make happy those that are near, those that are far will come.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

 “Yes,” Ba said sadly, “it is impossible. But it is not ridiculous.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

“That is a question you have to ask the Old Man of the Moon.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

“You only lose what you cling to.”
― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

10 Famous Quotes by Author Grace Lin

10 quotes by Grace Lin there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Grace Lin quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Grace Lin Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Grace Lin Quote 

“She’s my friend, the boy said simply. That’s who she is and that’s enough for me. As Minli looked at the buffalo boy, aglow with happiness against his poor surroundings, she saw it was enough for him. More than enough, as the smile that kept curling up on his face told her.”

― Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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