
John W. Campbell Jr.’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite John W. Campbell Jr. Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers John W. Campbell Jr.’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. John W. Campbell Jr. quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing John W. Campbell Jr.’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“That’s not a logical argument. I know it isn’t. The thing isn’t Earth-logic anyway.”
― John W. Campbell Jr., Who Goes There?

 “You are telling me that I did something because I was going to do something.”
“Well, didn’t you? You were there.”
“No, I didn’t—no… well, maybe I did, but it didn’t feel like it.”
“Why should you expect it to? It was something totally new to your experience.”
“But… but—” Wilson took a deep breath and got control of himself. Then he reached back into his academic philosophical concepts and produced the notion he had been struggling to express. “It denies all reasonable theories of causation. You would have me believe that causation can be completely circular. I went through because I came back from going through to persuade myself to go through. That’s silly.”
“Well, didn’t you?”
~ By His Bootstraps / Robert A. Heinlein”
― John W. Campbell Jr., Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1941

“Eventually Blake followed his winding footsteps back toward the ship, and about where his footsteps snowed he’d gathered his first samples, he stopped. There was a Japanese maple there. It stood some fifteen feet tall, and the bark was beautifully regular in appearance. The leaves were nearly a quarter of an inch thick, and arranged with a peculiar regularity, as were the branches. But it was very definitely a Japanese maple.”
― John W. Campbell Jr., The Planeteers

 “They had some provocation, you must admit. Koelenberg should have been more careful. When a man takes off some three hundred square miles of territory spang in the center of Europe in an atomic explosion, you can’t blame the rest of the world for being a bit skittish about atomic power research.”
― John W. Campbell Jr., The Planeteers

 “Niente che la Terra abbia mai generato ha provato l’indicibile sublimazione di furia devastatrice che questa cosa lasciò scatenare sul proprio volto quando si guardò intorno venti milioni di anni fa e si vide circondata dalla desolazione e dal ghiaccio.”
― John W. Campbell, Jr., Who Goes There? and Other Stories

 “Russ Evans, Pilot 3497, Rocket Squad Patrol 34, unsnapped his seat belt, and with a slight push floated “up” into the air inside the weightless ship. He stretched himself, and yawned broadly.”
― John Wood Campbell

“In Wilson’s scale of evaluations breakfast rated just after life itself and ahead of the chance of immortality.”
~ By His Bootstraps / Robert A. Heinlein”
― John W. Campbell Jr., Astounding Science-Fiction, October 1941

 “History does not always repeat itself. Sometimes it just yells, ‘Can’t you remember anything I told you?’ and lets fly with a club.”
― John W. Campbell Jr.

“You’ll dream, too, while that damned thing that Earth wouldn’t own is dripping, dripping in the Cosmos House tonight.”
― John W. Campbell Jr., Who Goes There?

“Write me a creature that thinks as well as a man or better than a man, but not like a man.”
― John W. Campbell Jr

10 Famous Quotes by Author John W. Campbell Jr.

10 quotes by John W. Campbell Jr. there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest John W. Campbell Jr. quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best John W. Campbell Jr. Quote. 

One Final Bonus – John W. Campbell Jr. Quote 

“Quel posto puzzava. Un odore bizzarro e composito, come può esserci soltanto nelle baracche sepolte nel ghiaccio di un accampamento antartico, un misto di fetido sudore umano, e dell’afrore ammorbante d’olio di pesce ricavato dal grasso di foca sciolto. Un vago sentore di linimento combatteva l’odore muffito delle pellicce infradiciate dal sudore e dalla neve. Il sentore acre del grasso alimentare bruciato, e l’odore animale e non del tutto sgradevole dei cani, diluito dal tempo, aleggiavano nell’aria.
Gli odori residui dell’olio da macchina contrastavano nettamente con quelli dei rivestimenti e del cuoio. Eppure, in mezzo a tutto quel puzzo di esseri umani, di cani, di macchine e di cucina, c’era un altro tanfo. Era qualcosa di strano, che faceva rizzare i capelli sulla nuca, un debolissimo sentore alieno tra gli odori della attività e della vita. Ed era un odore di vita.”

― John W. Campbell, Jr., Who Goes There? and Other Stories

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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