
Microchips and the New World Order – Will You Resist?

What are Microchips? 

Many conspiracy theory communities talk about microchips. And the idea is as follows…

You have a big government that wants easy methods of tracking all its citizens. And since it’s hard to track 100s of millions, you need to digitize…

You need to install microchips into people. And you need them to track down their “vital activities”…

Tracking “Vital Activities”…

By vital activities, we mean basic life routines like spending, moving, etc…

And tracking on those dimensions is already happening. Just look at the prevailing use of plastic cards…

It’s easy for any government to track you down based on your last purchase location. Or, they can track you down based on the latest ATM you just used.

So using microchips to track purchases is already standard.

But let’s take that to the next level. Your government wants to track where you are more accurately, and purchase habits aren’t enough…

So you get stuff like “microchips in automobiles.” When you buy a car, and it gets registered in your name, you can be tracked.

And in our current decade, analog cars are ceasing to exist. Today, many car manufacturers use computers heavily in managing car functions…

Or, you can be tracked based on “microchips” in your smartphone. And smartphones too are quite prevalent nowadays…

People today don’t use flip phones. And those who do are part of a “hipster fad”.

You Can See Where This is Going…

Microchips aren’t going to happen in the future. Because they’re already happening today…

If you’re freaking about microchips, it is best you freak out about all the gadgets at home.

Everything from new cars to phones are traceable.

And don’t expect this trend to anytime soon. Because we need electronics in the 21st century, for all functions you can think of.

Everything from productivity, to “basic entertainment” is electronic.

You’d be hard-pressed to find people living lives with primitive non-electronic tools. And usually, those people tend to be hardcore hobbyists.

They only represent a fraction of 1% of the world.

Considering this trend isn’t going to end soon, let’s do a little speculation. Let’s look at the future of microchips in the lives of humanity…

Implanting Microchips into Your Body…

This looks like something straight out of a sci-fi dystopian novel. But unfortunately, it’s something that’s already happening today…

There are some companies that are experimenting with implanting microchips into their employees (1).

Allegedly, this is to help humans compete with robot automation in the job market.

And as you obviously know, all control attempts start with constructive promises…

The chips help employees perform tasks with simple hand motions. But, there may also be a potential for the chips to track down employee location.

That’s something to always lookout for.

But They Can’t Force Me to Implant Microchips!

True. But it might be mandatory for newborn children a century or 2 down the line.

Trying to force implants today will cause too much controversy. So don’t expect forced implants to happen during your lifetime…

But it might be a possibility with your great-grandchildren. So that’s something to warn them about.

For now, most of your worries should be focused on common everyday tools you use. As we mentioned previously, your cars, phones, credit cards, and PCs are traceable…

But there is a way to deal with those worries. We’ll mention below some basic guidelines to help you deal with gadget microchips!

Buy Used Cars.

Used cars (Pre smartphone era) are necessary. Don’t buy something that’s managed “by a computer.”

Used old school cars are cheaper to maintain economically. But also, you can’t be tracked while in one…

Keep Electronics at Home.

If you’re paying taxes, chances are your government knows your address. So hiding that is an exercise in futility…

Instead, try to hide where you are out of the home. This means using cash only at stores. And it also means keeping all electronics at home.

If you don’t need a phone outside, don’t bring one with you. And if you need one, just use an old Nokia, or a flip phone.

Also, disable any GPS system, or anything that connects to the internet while outside. And try not use Wi-Fi hotspots as much as possible.

Remember, It’s About Hiding Your Mobility.

You don’t want the world to know where you’re moving. You want to be inconspicuous, so you can enjoy privacy.

Beyond that, don’t shy away from gadgets. Just know how and when to use them!


Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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