Best Movies Like The World to Come
Here is our list of Movies like The World to Come that we are sure you will enjoy. In the mid-19th century, two neighboring couples battle hardship and isolation, witnessed by a splendid yet challenging landscape that challenges their physical and psychological well-being.
The World to Come Related Movies List
Year: 2020Francis Lee
Mary Anning, an acclaimed but overlooked fossil hunter, and a young woman sent to convalesce by the sea develop an intense relationship that changes their lives forever.
Year: 2017
Director: Sebastián Lelio
A woman returns to her Orthodox Jewish community that shunned her for her attraction to a female childhood friend. As they explore the boundaries of faith and sexuality once again, their passions rekindle.
Year: 2021
Director: Jeffrey Hidalgo
Eva, a young housemaid, gets involved in a steamy threesome with her lady boss and a houseboy.
Kiss Me
Year: 2011
Director: Alexandra-Therese Keining
A young woman engaged to be married begins an affair with her stepmother’s lesbian daughter.
Italian Studies
Year: 2021
Director: Adam Leon
A writer loses her memory. When she finds herself adrift in NYC, she connects with a group of teenagers and seeks a way home through real and imagined conversations.
The Best Movies Like The World to Come
I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like The World to Come, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to The World to Come.
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