Difference between an NFT and Cryptocurrency?
A similar innovation and standard underlie blockchain-based NFTs as well as cryptocurrencies. These entities will therefore often attract similar stakeholders. In general, you need cryptographic forms of money to trade NFTs, and NFTs can be considered a subset of the crypto culture.
NFT (Non-Fungible Token)
A non-fungible token is a unit of data that cannot be interchanged, which is stored on a digital ledger, known as a blockchain. There are different types of NFT data units associated with various types of digital files such as photos and videos.
In addition to digital assets such as digital artwork and real assets such as real estate, non-fungible tokens can represent any asset digitally. In-game assets such as avatars, digital and non-digital collectibles, domain names, and event tickets are examples of assets that can be encoded in NFTs.
Cryptocurrencies, crypto-currencies, cryptos, or coins are essentially digital currencies that work as a medium of exchange over a computer network without any dependance on a central authority, such as a government or bank.
As well as serving as a storage of value, they can also serve as a medium of exchange between two businesses. Crypto-coins such as Bitcoin (CRYPTO:BTC) and Litecoin (CRYPTO:LTC) are examples. Tokens, on the other hand, have far more uses than just digital money.
Fun Fact
What is the next big Crypto?
PancakeSwap is the next cryptocurrency worth considering buying in 2022. PancakeSwap’s most basic function is to act as a decentralized exchange. Without the assistance of a third party, users can trade digital tokens directly on the exchange.