
Ruthanna Emrys’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Ruthanna Emrys Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Ruthanna Emrys’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Ruthanna Emrys quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Ruthanna Emrys’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“Even the most ill-formed words, set to paper, are a great blessing.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

 “Aeonist teachings say that no race is clean of such ignorance or violence. When faced with the threat of such things, we should strive as the gods do to prevent them or put them off. But when faced with such things already past, we should recall the vastness of time, and know that even our worst pains are trivial at such a scale.” His mouth twisted. “Does that help?” I shrugged. “Sometimes. Sometimes I can’t help seeing our resistance and kindness, even the gods’ own efforts to hold back entropy, as trivial too. No one denies it, but we need the gods, and the kindness, to matter more anyway.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

“All of man’s other religions place him at the center of creation. But man is nothing—a fraction of the life that will walk the Earth. Earth is nothing—a tiny world that will die with its sun. The sun is one of trillions where life flowers, and wants to live, and dies. And between the suns is an endless vast darkness that dwarfs them, through which life can travel only by giving up that wanting, by losing itself. Even that darkness will eventually die. In such a universe, knowledge is the stub of a candle at dusk.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, The Litany of Earth

“It is written in the Archives that, once upon a time, the gods looked out on a universe barren and unthinking save for themselves. And they tested and experimented until they sparked matter into a form that might, one day, be capable of thought. And Shub-Nigaroth, mother of fear, looked on the first life and said: it will fail, but for now it is good. Spector”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

 “What our religion tells us, the part that is a religion, is that the gods created life to try and make meaning. It’s ultimately hopeless, and even gods die, but the effort is real. Will always have been real, even when everything is over and no one remembers.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, The Litany of Earth

 “There are different ways of understanding the universe, and you learn nothing by running an experiment if a spell or a sculpture is what’s needed. And there are things we’ll never understand because we don’t have the time, or the right sorts of minds.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

“The bridges, aeons old, were here when we arrived. They offered omen and reminder: Life persists everywhere. Life vanishes everywhere. Find it and listen, or it will pass unknown.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Deep Roots

 “Surely one’s childhood concerns must be hard to encounter decades later, regardless of the life fallen between.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

“If magic violates the fundamental laws of nature, they clearly weren’t all that fundamental.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

“Odd how automatic masks are, even with those who’ve seen beneath them.”
― Ruthanna Emrys, Winter Tide

10 Famous Quotes by Author Ruthanna Emrys

10 quotes by Ruthanna Emrys there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Ruthanna Emrys quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Ruthanna Emrys Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Ruthanna Emrys Quote 

“All of man’s other religions place him at the center of creation. But man is nothing—a fraction of the life that will walk the Earth. Earth is nothing—a tiny world that will die with its sun. The sun is one of trillions where life flowers, and wants to live, and dies. And between the suns is an endless vast darkness that dwarfs them, through which life can travel only by giving up that wanting, by losing itself. Even that darkness will eventually die. In such a universe, knowledge is the stub of a candle at dusk.” “You make it all sound so cheerful.” “It’s honest. What our religion tells us, the part that is a religion, is that the gods created life to try and make meaning. It’s ultimately hopeless, and even gods die, but the effort is real. Will always have been real, even when everything is over and no one remembers.”― Ruthanna Emrys, The Litany of Earth

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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