
Start your Own Blog Or Website And Monetize It Using WordPress For Easy Start

Start your Own Blog Or Website And Monetize It Using WordPress For Easy Start

Blogging is one of the most widely used modes of publication today. You can read and learn anything just from a blog. What makes blogging interesting is that you don’t have to be a professional writer with doctorate to learn about it and write the things you are passionate about.

How To Start Your Own Blog Or Website And Monetize It Using WordPress For Easy Start

  • An idea or a topic. It all starts with the click of an interesting idea or topic that you can write about. It can be a travel destination, a fun activity for families and friends, a DIY tutorial, a review, etc. As long as you have your topic idea and the process inside your head, you can start your own blog.
  • A computer. But this is not just a computer at home. You need an internet connection to run your blog. You can choose a website where you can publish your blog and upload it on the internet.
  • A website. There are wide varieties of blog websites that you can choose from where you can publish your ideas. Websites are commonly user friendly that and you won’t get hard time to start your own blog or website and monetize it using WordPress for easy start. Choose the template according to your preference. Upload your topic and write about it.

Start your own blog or website and monetize it using W

How Bloggers Get Paid

It was a strange thing for me at first. Then I learned that it works like a newspaper. To start your own blog or website and monetize it using WordPress for easy start works like a local newspaper or radio in your community. The more readers you have, the more advertisers you will get who will pay you just to have a place inside your blog. This works the same way in getting paid using a blog.

Word press

This is the most widely used blog site for online bloggers because:

  • It is easy to use. Word press is user friendly and you don’t have to be computer or internet wizard to understand how things work to run your blog.
  • It is sophisticated. What I love in Word press is the simplistic style it has.
  • It is customizable. Well, almost all website blogs are but Word press is one of the pioneers to make everything customizable. Starting from the fonts you use, to the size of the title bars and photos that you can upload, everything is done according to your preference.

Well, now that you have the basic idea how to start your own blog or website and monetize it using WordPress for easy start, fire up that computer and start writing the best ideas you have and publish it in a blog. There is a large chance for you to gather many readers if you have the basic idea on SEO writing but it can come in handy on the next topics.

How to create a free website using WordPress

Step 1: Signup to

Sign up for by visiting  Just click the Get Started button. You would be redirected to a signup page.

Please fill out the signup form. You must provide your Email Address, Username, Password, and Blog Address (Domain name). Click the Create Blog button. 

Step 2: Confirm email and Activate Blog

When you have completed step 1, you will be prompted to confirm your e-mail address.   Click on the Activate Blog link in your email, in order to confirm the Address. 

Step 3: Setup Your Blog

After completing step 2, you will be asked to enter a few details about your new website, such as blog title, tagline, and language. When you fill out all the details, click Next.

Step 4: Choose and Customize WordPress theme

In this step, you must select the theme for your website. You can choose between free and premium themes. Then select any of the free themes and proceed to the next step. Other free themes are available at Customize the theme if you want otherwise click Next Step.

Step 5: Connect with Facebook or Twitter

Here you can configure your Twitter and Facebook accounts. You can also skip this step and proceed to the next. You can configure these items later.

Step 6: Finish the Process

Then click Finish! Your free WordPress website has been created. Now it’s time to check it out.

Step 7: Visit Your Newly Created Website

Then, go to the browser and enter your domain name (URL). You will be able to view your website. Cool, right? It only took a few minutes to set everything up. For your newly created website, you can change the appearance. At the menu bar, click on My Blog and then Change Appearance.  

That’s all for this. After following the above mentioned steps, I’m pretty sure you created a cool website for free.

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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