
15 Stoic Exercises That Will Change Your Life Today

Stoicism is the practice of being happy while accepting the way things are. The ancient Stoics believed that happiness was derived from a calm mind and an inner sense of purpose. You can achieve this peace by practicing Stoic exercises that will help you to develop self-control, self-confidence, and calmness in your life.

Stoicism is a philosophy that is still practiced today because it works. Stoic exercises have been proven to help people reduce their anxiety levels and improve their moods.

Why Is Stoicism Important?

Stoicism is a philosophy that teaches people how to live a happy, healthy and meaningful life. It teaches people to be happy with what they have and not worry about things they can’t control. The main idea behind Stoicism is that we should strive for perfection but accept our imperfections as part of life’s journey.

Stoicism has been around for thousands of years; it was founded by Zeno in Citium around 300 BCE. He believed that only through acceptance could one achieve inner peace and this idea became known as “stoic indifference.” In fact, some historians believe that this type of mental attitude may have helped shape Western civilization into what it is today.

Stoicism Helps You Live in the Present Moment

Being mindful and being in the moment are two ways to achieve this, but it’s not easy. If we are constantly thinking about something else, then living in the present becomes impossible. And if we’re always thinking about our past or our future or if we’re constantly worrying, then there is no room for us to be present with what’s happening right now.

In order for stoicism to work efficiently, we need tools that enable us to stay focused on what matters most: ourselves and other people around us right now not some future promise or fantasy.

Stoicism Is An Antidote to Anxiety

Stoicism is an antidote to anxiety. It’s a philosophy that teaches you how to overcome fear and worry by becoming more accepting of the situations you’re in, even if they seem unpleasant or unwanted. If you’re feeling worried about something happening in your life, such as a job loss or getting into an argument with someone who criticizes you all the time, then practicing stoicism can help take away some of those feelings of anxiety by giving them meaning and purpose.

For example: if someone insults me because they think I’m stupid or lazy which actually happens, then instead of letting their words get under my skin and making me upset with myself over the way they talk down on me so much which would make me more anxious. You might have plenty wrong with yourself too but don’t worry about that either.

Stoicism Teaches Resilience

Stoicism teaches that we can’t control what happens to us, but we can control our reactions. This means you should be grateful for whatever happens in your life and learn from it, instead of taking it so personally which will only make things worse. It’s also important to recognize when bad things happen but don’t let them run your life or affect how others see you; instead, keep going.

The most important lesson of Stoicism is accepting the fact that everything happens for a reason and there’s nothing we can do about it anyway so just deal with it as best as possible without letting bitterness set in or giving up on yourself completely.

Stoicism Helps You Focus on What You Can Control

As a Stoic, you have to have a way of focusing on the things you can control. You need to be able to see your own progress and take pride in it.

You also need to recognize that there are plenty of things outside of your control the weather, other people’s moods and behaviors, etc. but that doesn’t mean they’re not worth being aware of or focused on when appropriate.

Stoicism Shows the Importance of Self-Discipline

Self-Discipline is important. Setting goals and being consistent with your plan is important. Being prepared and organized will help you get things done more efficiently and effectively, as well as make it easier for others to do their part if they are working with you on a project or task.

Self-motivation is key to maintaining motivation in the long run: If something doesn’t feel good or even worse, stop doing it.

Stoicism Teaches That Worrying About Failure Is a Waste of Time

Stoicism teaches that worrying about failure is a waste of time. Stoicism teaches you to focus on what you can control instead of what you can’t. Stoicism teaches that the only thing you can control is your attitude, which is something that most people forget when they’re stressed out and worried about things going wrong in their lives.

Stoicism teaches that we are not able to predict what will happen in our lives, so if something bad happens like losing your job, it’s not worth getting upset about because there was nothing else anyone could have done about it.

Stoicism Teaches That Your Attitude Determines Your Happiness

Stoicism is a philosophy that teaches that your attitude determines your happiness. The Stoics believed that you could control how you think, feel and act by training yourself to live in accordance with principles of reason and justice.

Stoicism has been called an “invaluable guide” for modern life because it helps you understand what makes you happy and why those things are important to your well-being as a human being.

15 Stoic Exercises That Will Change Your Life Today

Stoicism is a philosophy that was founded by the Greek philosopher Zeno of Cilium. It teaches us how to live a happy life, free from worry and anxiety. In this section, we will explore 15 stoic exercises that will change your life today;

Learn How To Tell The Difference Between What You Can Change And What You Can’t.

If you want to change the world, it’s important to know what you can and can’t change. The first step is learning how to distinguish between what’s within your control and what isn’t. You may have heard this before: “You cannot control other people.” That’s true, but it doesn’t have anything at all to do with whether or not you will be able to make them behave in a certain way.

So, let’s look at an example from Stoicism: if someone does something that upsets you eats too much or spends too little time with their children, you might feel hurt by their behavior but you don’t need their approval before deciding how upset you going to be about this situation.

Figure Out Your True Priorities, And Focus On Those First.

When you’re first starting out, it can be hard to know what your priorities are. This is a common problem for beginners because there are so many things that need attention, but sometimes we don’t have time for them all.

It’s important to get into the habit of setting aside some time each week or month just for yourself time when no one else can bug you or distract from your goals except maybe an alarm clock. When this happens, if something comes up that requires more immediate attention than usual, set up an appointment with someone who will understand and respect your needs.

When deciding what should come first in life, consider these questions: What do I value most? What makes me happy? Do I want any relationships at all? Do I want health and happiness for myself at any cost? What about my finances are they more important than anything else on my list? Once we’ve answered these questions honestly and thoughtfully enough times until they become second nature–then we’ll know which priorities really matter most.

Deal With Things Now, Rather Than Procrastinating.

Another important Stoic exercise is to deal with things now and not procrastinate. The reason for this is that it allows you to move forward without feeling overwhelmed by your situation. Instead of letting a problem build up until it becomes too big for you, dealing with it immediately will help you feel less negative and more positive about yourself.

Compete With Yourself, Rather Than Others.

The Stoics believed that the only thing you can control is your own behavior, and that it’s up to you to decide how far you want to go. In order to reach your goals, you need to be able to focus on yourself no other people or things. You don’t want to let others’ progress affects yours or vice versa; otherwise, both parties will end up frustrated with each other because they are comparing themselves based on someone else’s progress rather than their own goals.

Make Sure Your Goals Are Worthy Of Your Time.

If you want to be successful in life, it’s essential that your goals are worthy of your time. To do this, make sure they’re realistic not too far off from where you are now and not so far off that they seem impossible. Make sure the goals are specific: what will happen if I achieve this? And measurable: how can I measure whether or not my goal has been achieved? Lastly, make sure the goal is achievable given the resources at hand or available for purchase.

Finally, don’t forget about time-boundness: if your goal has a deadline attached to it like a wedding date, then set aside blocks of time each week or month for working toward those goals until their completion date arrives.

Stop Resenting Other People’s Successes, And Focus On Your Own Achievements Instead.

The Stoics believed that our judgements of other people are a form of self-deception. It’s important to remember that you’re not responsible for anyone else’s happiness or failure, and you shouldn’t be jealous of their successes or envious of their possessions. In fact, Stoics believed that it was better to focus on your own achievements than try to compare yourself with others in terms of wealth and stature.

In order to move beyond this cycle of resentment towards others’ success or lack thereof, try stop comparing yourself with everyone else around you you’ll be happier if you stop worrying about what they’re doing out there in the world. You might be surprised at how many times this simple shift can really help ease the stress associated with being surrounded by distractions all day long.

Focus On What You Can Control, Rather Than What You Can’t.

Focus on what you can control, rather than what you can’t. Here’s the secret: When you focus on what you can control, you make yourself more confident in your ability to attain your goals. When you focus on what you can’t control, you give up and feel helpless which leads to depression.

You need to practice this exercise over the long term so that it becomes second nature. If something upsets you in the moment, don’t waste time beating yourself up about it or dwelling on it. Instead, focus on what you can do next like how to make a better plan for tackling that problem. Remember that the things that happen to us are not in our hands. We have no control over them; but we do have control over our reactions to those things.

Picture How Things Will Look When They’re Finished, And Work Backwards From There.

The second exercise is to picture how things will look when they’re finished, and work backwards from there.  This can be a little tricky, because you need to keep in mind that this is just an exercise it doesn’t mean you’re going to achieve your goal. But if you, do it right, it might help get your brain on track with what’s important and what isn’t so that all of the information makes sense together.

So instead of worrying about whether or not they could possibly happen within our lifetime which would prevent us from making progress, let’s focus on how much better off we’ll feel once those things happen.

Don’t be So Attached To The Outcome Of A Situation That You Can’t Be Objective Anymore.

A good exercise to help you with this is the “Stop and Think” technique, which involves asking yourself questions about a situation. For example, when you’re driving and see an intersection that has four directions from which to choose left, center, right, ask yourself: How does this make me feel in my chest? What does it mean about me as a person? What would happen if I made this decision now?

This can be a useful tool for looking at situations objectively instead of letting them dictate your happiness or self-worth.

Set A Strict Timetable For Everything And Stick To It.

Set a strict timetable for everything and stick to it. This is one of the most important things you can do. Stoicism encourages us to be realistic about our lives and make sure we don’t put too much pressure on ourselves, but if you’re serious about living a more productive life, then setting some boundaries is necessary. You should have clear goals in mind, but also know when those goals are likely to be reached or not. If they’re not going as planned, then reevaluate what’s causing the problem and adjust accordingly.

You could also try using an app like Toggl or Rescue Time which will help keep track of how long specific activities take so that when there’s a lull in activity at work or school later on in the day/weekend after finishing whatever task was previously assigned for today only one thing left until tomorrow now becomes two items instead.

When You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself.   

Do it yourself if you have the skills. The Stoics were well known for their practical philosophy, and this is one of the best examples: If you want something done right, do it yourself. As long as you really have the skills to do it right. If you want to lose weight, don’t hire a personal trainer. If you want to learn French, don’t go to Paris. If you want to improve your golf game, don’t go to a professional golfer.

The point is that it’s not about what other people think of your skills or abilities; it’s about how good they are compared to yours. In other words: The only thing that matters are what actually happens after some action has been taken. It doesn’t matter if it was done by an expert or an idiot; if things turn out well or badly, the skill was irrelevant.

Step Away From The Craving For Praise Or Attention From Others Even If It’s A Harmless Enough Craving.

We often crave praise and attention from others. It’s a natural part of human nature, but it can be bad for our mental health if we allow this craving to get out of control. There are several reasons for this:

Craving praise makes us feel insecure about ourselves if you’re seeking the approval of others for your accomplishments, then you may start thinking that there must be something wrong with you if no one is praising your efforts.

Seeking positive feedback from others can make us feel inadequate when there isn’t enough evidence that we deserve it and even worse: If someone criticizes what they perceive as “good” behavior by saying things like “You should do better,” or “I don’t think that was so great.”.

The worst part is that when we seek praise or attention from other people in this way, chances are good that they won’t give it to us at all or else they’ll give it only under certain conditions which are entirely out of reach for most people anyway.

Be Open About Your Flaws Only Then Can You Have Real Progress In Changing Them.

One of the most important things you can do for yourself is to be open about your flaws. It’s difficult for us to admit when we make mistakes or fail at something, but if you want real progress in changing these flaws, then it’s essential that you are honest with yourself.

Be honest with your friends and family about how much time you spend on social media or online games this will help them understand why there aren’t enough hours in the day for other interests. If someone asks about what happened during your last vacation, don’t hide anything; tell them everything from beginning until end and maybe even some details from after. This will give others an idea of what kind of person they are dealing with when they get involved with their lives together.

Be open about everything else too. Don’t hide behind excuses like “I’m busy” or “there’s nothing wrong”. Instead own up to whatever problems might appear alongside other activities because everyone needs their own space sometimes especially when it comes down

Think About Death

Whatever your fears are, focus on them and really picture them happening. Then, think about what happens next: You’re dead. You can’t live your life anymore and all that’s left is an empty shell of who you once were. That’s what death means for us not just physical death, but also mental and emotional death. And that’s why it’s so important to learn how to think about death: because we don’t want to get there.

The good news is that when we practice thinking about death, we naturally learn how to think more positively about our lives and the things we do today and this will help us live better lives tomorrow.

Visualize Your Worst Fears

In other words, if you’re afraid of heights, you should go up in a plane and take a look at how tiny you are compared to the sky. If you’re afraid of spiders, try sitting on one and seeing how it tries to kill you.

This idea might sound silly, but it’s actually an incredibly powerful tool for overcoming anxiety and fear. The Stoics felt that when we’re faced with something scary or difficult like death itself, we should be able to look at it without flinching or getting too caught up in our own emotions.

The point is not necessarily to get over your fears so much as to become more aware of them; by doing this, you can learn how to control your reactions rather than letting them control you.


The Stoic exercises in this article are not just for Stoics, but they also apply to all of us. The goal is to make yourself a little more resilient and better able to cope with whatever life throws at you. Stoicism is not about being perfect or never making mistakes. It’s about living a good life and being happy with the choices you make in the face of adversity.

If you’re looking for something new to do, try these 15 exercises that will improve your mental health and make you a better person.

Also see: 10 Best Modern Books On Stoicism Published Recently

Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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