
Top 5 Best Books like Nearly Broken

Nearly Broken

Megan is still scarred mentally and physically, but she is not seeking attention. It’s a route she must travel by herself wherever she goes from here. But she finds it frightening how readily her barricades come crashing down for Nickolas Ellis when he accepts the position of new nightshift cook. The urge to flee before it all happens again grows stronger as a result of the similarities of Claire’s abduction and the fear of an unwanted visitor in town, endangering the one and only happiness Megan has ever known. But she has secrets she can’t bear to share with just anyone, unspeakable acts that still haunt her.

Author: Devon Ashley

Here are our personal top picks of other good romance books like Nearly Brokenthat will surely get you hooked. Hope you’ll find a good fit to your taste!

(1)Reason To Breathe

Emma Thomas would prefer not to be seen at all in the affluent town of Weslyn, Connecticut, where most people worry about what to wear and who to be seen with. She cares more about appearing beautiful; she rolls up her sleeves to hide the bumps because she doesn’t want anyone to see how imperfect her life actually is. She finds love in a way she didn’t anticipate. At the risk of disclosing the dreadful secret she is desperately trying to keep hidden, it forces her to confront her self-worth.

Author: Rebecca Donovan


(2)Keep Me Still

Layla Flaherty had the ideal existence up until a stranger shot and killed her parents in front of her, leaving her with PTSD that causes seizures. She accepts being invisible after attempting to appear normal for years and failing terribly. However, newcomer Landen O’Brien notices her and finds her attractive. He doesn’t freak out when Layla experiences a seizure in front of him, much to Layla’s astonishment. In contrast, he calms her down till the tremors stop.

Author: Caisey Quinn 



My dreams turned into nightmares as the devil pulled me away from the light and dragged me into a pit of darkness.

I lost everything to him. it’s me. I am who I am. a part of me.

There was nothing but blazing flames and never-ending pain in my future. There was no way out of his torment. Always there, teasing me, inflicting harm on me, slowly destroying me.

Author: HJ Bellus


(4) Choosing You

Garret, though, continued to knock on my door.
So I consented to his request to go out with us as friends only.
Garret is attractive, which makes the idea of a friends-only situation harder than I anticipated.

Author: Allie Everhart



(5) Promise Me Always

All those years ago, we made a covenant and a vow.
I would be his and he would be my guardian.
Despite the fact that we were only children, I was certain that I would adore him forever.

Author: B.K. Leigh 


Best Books to Read Like Nearly Broken

That was fast! I hope the above books give you the excitement to grab the book of your choice. If you find Nearly Broken interesting, the other four books will provide the same thrill!

Let us know how you feel. Write your comments below on books that you have enjoyed similar to Nearly Broken

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