Easy Money in Your Pocket with These 5 Gifs In Fiverr
Top Five Gigs from Fiverr, that might just be worth your money. Up and coming Fiverr Sellers to watch Must see Gigs from new sellers. I have been using Freelance services for over 15 years, for those of you who have been in the Game a while you will remember Scriptlance? They were taken over by Freelancer, and Freelancer has grown exponentially since then, however Fiverr if a newer platform for freelancers to sell their worth and for buyers like me to get quality works at prices I can afford to pay.
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So I will take you through some Top Five Gigs from Fiverr, that might just be worth your money, and explore why they offer value for your hard-earned cash. I will use newer sellers who have worked for me or I have at least had a constructive dialog with and someone I would certainly consider using in the future.
Seller One – https://www.fiverr.com/voldenuit
Voldenuit is brand new to the Fiverr platform with this Gig, however, this for me is usually a golden window, the sellers are eager to impress and often provide work well beyond expectations. I have had some dialog with this seller and they have a passion for writing Romance novels however are willing to work with sellers to produce a quality book of their desire.
What I like about this seller:
- 3 free revisions, when working on a book the finish is critical and with 3 revisions gives plenty of time or polishing off your novel.
- Good and fair pricing with clear description
- The give full ownership on completion so all works copyright are transferred to the buyer.
Seller Two – https://www.fiverr.com/fawazameer
Fawazameer I have used this seller on a number of occasions and his work ethic and smarts are second to none, he has initiative and is able to problem-solve independently, provide quantifiable results on time and every time as one of the best virtual assistant on Fiverr he is worth your money, also has excellent English.
What I like about this seller:
- Great work ethic
- Fast and efficient
- Available long hours
- Highly educated
- Great English
Seller Three – https://www.fiverr.com/maxpro1
Maxpro I use for art and design, he is fast friendly and effective, has great drawing skills and well worth a look, he has multi-talents and can offer quick turnaround if needed. Gig to watch https://www.fiverr.com/maxpro1/design-a-unique-logo-for-your-company great workmanship, clear terms and good end product.
What I like about this seller:
- Unlimited Revisions
- Quality workmanship
- Eager to provide highest quality custom drawings.
Seller Four – https://www.fiverr.com/salahuddinssa
Salahuddinssa is a Pakistani photographer who has a great eye for images. If you need any work done in Pakistan this is your guy. My go to photographer in Pakistan.
Gig to watch https://www.fiverr.com/salahuddinssa/do-any-photography-for-your-website
What I like about this seller:
- Great quality of photography
- Post image editing work is good
- Willing to travel if needed
- A really nice guy to deal with
Seller Five – https://www.fiverr.com/greismaroly
Greismaroly! Need work in Spanish reach new audiences? This is your seller, eager to please with great grammar and able to tell a story well. I have used this seller when I need a story in Spanish to be told. Need a Spanish writer look no further than this gig. https://www.fiverr.com/greismaroly/write-articles-of-1500-words-in-spanish-of-any-topic
What I like about this seller:
- Friendly
- Makes revisions as asked
- Quick turn around
- Quality work
We have explored some up and coming sellers from fiver, They are my selection of the best available ion Fiver for what they offer, now remember this is subjective to my experience and I imply or make no assumptions of future works. However for a starting point for dialog with some great sellers look no further and get in touch today, turn your dream to a reality.
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Main Image Source : Pixabay
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