Short Hilarious Random Jokes
Ready for a laugh? I have collected from around the internet some of the funniest random jokes on Wordplay. See below 10 side spitting (or not) jokes on wordplay.
Wordplay Joke 1
“When my girlfriend said she was leaving because of my obsession with The Monkees, I thought she was joking.
And then I saw her face.”
Wordplay Joke 2
“I’ve just been given two weeks to live.
The wife’s gone away for a fortnight.”
Wordplay Joke 3
“I auditioned for Britain’s Got Talent when it visited Cardiff. But, shockingly, I was turned down.
That’s right, my signature ‘balancing a Mars Bar on my head for ten minutes’ failed to impress Simon Cowell.
He said, “”Sorry, but Osama Bin Laden’s had a Bounty on his head for eight years.”””
Wordplay Joke 4
“I got an e-mail saying ‘At Google Earth we can read maps backwards!’
I thought, “”That’s just spam.”””
Wordplay Joke 5
Capitalization is the difference between “I helped my uncle Jack off a horse,” and “I helped my uncle jack off a horse.”
Wordplay Joke 6
“I phoned my work this morning and said, “”Sorry boss, I can’t come in today, I have a wee cough.””
He said, “”You have a wee cough?””
I said, “”Really? Cheers boss, see you next week!”””
Wordplay Joke 7
“I have a real habit of acting out the names of any towns that I visit.
For example, when I went to Poole, I went swimming.
When I went to Rugby, I played Rugby.
When I went to Bath, I took a bath.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, I need bailing out of Blackburn police station.”
Wordplay Joke 8
“I’ve been sleeping with this bloke’s wife and today he sent me this text:
“”You go near her again and ill have you dead! Mark my words!””
To which I replied:
“”8 out of 10, I’ll requires an apostrophe and a capital I.”””
Wordplay Joke 9
“I was in an English exam and they asked “”Write the past tense of ‘Think'””
I thought and thought about this for ages.
Eventually, I went for ‘Thunk'”
Wordplay Joke 10
“My wife has packed her bags and gone – just because of my fetish with touching pasta.
I’m feeling cannelloni right now.”
Jokes on Wordplay
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Also See: 10 Random Funny Jokes About Stupid – Jokes that Ain’t Woke