Best Movies Like Encounter
Here is our list of Movies like Encounter that we are sure you will enjoy. The brothers are on a journey with their father, who is trying to protect them from aliens.
Encounter Related Movies List
Year: 2018
Director: A.T. White
An intimate portrayal of a girl grieving for the loss of her best friend on the day the world ends.
Light of My Life
Year: 2019
Director: Casey Affleck
Parent and child journey through the outskirts of society a decade after a pandemic has wiped out half the world’s population. A father’s struggle to protect his child tests their bond, as well as humanity itself.
The White King
Year: 2016
Director: Alex Helfrecht, Jörg Tittel
Twelve-year-old boy rebels after a brutal government imprisons his father and labels him a traitor.
Chimera Strain
Year: 2018
Director: Maurice Haeems
By decoding the DNA of the immortal Turritopsis jellyfish, a brilliant but disturbed scientist tries to cure his children’s deadly genetic disease.
Year: 2021
Director: Wyatt Rockefeller
Those who first settled on the Martian frontier did whatever it took to survive both the cosmic elements and each other.
The Best Movies Like Encounter
I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Encounter, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Encounter.
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