
5 Movies Like Sorcery To Watch

Best Movies Like Sorcery

Here is our list of Movies like Sorcery that we are sure you will enjoy. In the late 19th century, Rosa, an Indigenous girl, lives and works on a farm with her father on the isolated island of Chiloé. Rosa goes out for retribution after the foreman viciously turns on her father and enlists the aid of the ruler of a significant sorcerers’ guild.

Sorcery Related Movies List

Mythica: A Quest for Heroes

Year: 2014


Marek, a teenage magician, longs for thrilling journeys. When she encounters the priestess Teela who is in need of aid, she offers to help and sends a mismatched troupe. Together they go in search of Teela’s sister, who was kidnapped by a wild ogre.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

Year: 2011

Director: David Yates

As the climactic fight at Hogwarts continues, Harry, Ron, and Hermione look for Voldemort’s remaining Horcruxes in an effort to eliminate the Dark Lord.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Year: 2010

Director: Jon Turteltaub

In order to stop Morgana le Fay from appearing again, Balthazar Blake, an apprentice of the great magician Merlin, must teach the skills of wizardry to his old teacher’s replacement, a shy but tenacious physics prodigy.

Doctor Strange

Year: 2016

Director: Scott Derrickson

A great neurosurgeon is attracted into the mystic arts while undertaking a journey of bodily and spiritual healing.


Year: 2016

Director: Duncan Jones

Azeroth is being invaded by an Orc horde utilizing a mystical gateway, and certain human heroes and rebel Orcs must work to stop the real cause of this war.

The Best Movies Like Sorcery

I hope you find something on this list you will enjoy; if you like Sorcery, we are sure you will enjoy the rest of these titles. Comment below on other movies you have enjoyed similar to Sorcery.

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Dave P
Dave P
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