
A.S. King’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite A.S. King Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author A.S. King, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with A.S. King you will find my ten favourites of A.S. King’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. If we’re supposed to ignore everything that’s wrong with our lives, then I can’t see how we’ll ever make things right.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“Isn’t it funny how we live inside the lies we believe?”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“Today I am in control because I want to be. I have my fingers on the switch, but have lived a lifetime ignoring the control I have over my own world. Today is different.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“Because with Charlie, nothing was ever easy. Everything was windswept and octagonal and finger-combed. Everything was difficult and odd, and the theme songs all had minor chords.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

 “I knew not to give the best of myself to the worst of people.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“I felt a mix of wanting to kill him and wanting to kiss him at the same time. When I thought of what true love must be like, I figured it must be like this, and not the stupid eighth grade infatuation most girls my age felt. True love includes an equal part of good and bad, but true sticks around and doesn’t run off to Vegas with a podiatrist.”

Please Ignore Vera Dietz

A.S. King

“I wish we could go back in time and climb trees together again. I love you, Vera. I always will.”

Please Ignore Vera Dietz

 “I’d rather feel something for real than pretend it’s not what it is.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“It seems the older people get, the more shit they ignore. Or, like Dad, they pay attention to stuff that distracts them from the more important things that they’re ignoring.”

Please Ignore Vera Dietz

“I miss him so much, but it’s confusing, because I missed him long before he was dead, and that’s the bitch of it all. I missed him long before he was dead.”
Please Ignore Vera Dietz

One Final Bonus – Longer – A.S. King Quote 

“I mean, I ignore plenty of stuff, like school spirit days and the dirty looks I get from the Detentionheads while I try to slink through the halls unnoticed. But there’s something about telling other people what to ignore that just doesn’t work for me. Especially things we shouldn’t be ignoring.

Hear that girl in your class is being abused by her stepfather and had to go to the clinic? Hear she’s bringing her mother’s pills to school and selling them to pay for it? Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Mind your own business. Don’t make waves. Fly under the radar. It’s just one of those things, Vera.

I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. If we’re supposed to ignore everything that’s wrong in our lives, then I can’t see how we’ll ever make things right.”
A.S. King, Please Ignore Vera Dietz

10 Famous Quotes by Author A.S. King

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by A.S. King, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author A.S. King   Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for A.S. King. 

See Also: Jennifer Ashley’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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