
Adam Croft’s Top 9 Popular and Famous Quotes

Nine of My Favourite Adam Croft Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 9 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Croft, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Adam Croft you will find my nine favourites of Adam Croft’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“wanted me for herself – she’s told”
Adam Croft, Only the Truth

“Discovered by a council worker on the land where the train station used to be at six-thirty this morning.”

Adam Croft,  Too Close For Comfort

“She’s just . . . clueless. She only thinks of herself. I rack my brains, trying to think of a time she might have done or said something that would make”
Adam Croft,   Her Last Tomorrow

Adam Croft, Too Close For Comfort

“Fine,’ he replies, heading through into the kitchen to make himself a strong cup of tea. ‘Are”

Adam Croft, Only the Truth

“Never give up on you writing dreams – no matter what life throws at u keep believing and make it happen!”

Adam Croft,  We Need to Talk About Adam

“Hey, fine. Give him hell, girl,’ she says, ruffling Ellie’s hair and smiling at me. Ellie’s still not happy. I don’t blame her. I’m a grown adult and I can’t handle being up at this time. As Ellie’s wails begin to build, Tasha takes the Rosie Ragdoll down from on top of the kitchen clock and hands it to her. Ellie stops crying immediately.”
Adam Croft,  Her Last Tomorrow

“And all men kill the thing they love, / By all let this be heard, / Some do it with a bitter look, / Some with a flattering word, / The coward does it with a kiss, / The brave man with a sword!”

 Adam Croft, Exit Stage Left

“crooked head guided her eyes along the spines of Ludford’s books, she was jolted back upright by the ringing of a phone. She heard him answer. ‘Hello? Ah, Nigel! I’ve been meaning to…’ Ludford’s words trailed off as he kicked the door closed. The satisfying click of the latch in its socket”― Adam Croft, Too Close For Comfort

9 Famous Quotes by Author Adam Croft

So there you have it my nine favourite quotes by Adam Croft, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Adam Croft.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 9 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Adam Croft.

Must Read : 5 Famous Sayings About Stress

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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