
Aimee Molloy’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Aimee Molloy Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Aimee Molloy, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Aimee Molloy you will find my ten favourites of Aimee Molloy’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“That’s all I wanted to do. Really. Just talk to Joshua. Tell him that being with him is the only thing that’s ever mattered to me. Let him know about the letters I’ve been writing him, maybe offer to read one or two, so he’d know exactly how I feel, and how much I still want him. How sorry I am for anything I may have done wrong.”
Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“bad things happen in heat like this”
Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“Deep breathing initiates the parasympathetic nervous system, the rest-and-relax state.”
Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“How fast the time goes. That’s what people were always telling us, at least; the strangers’ hands on our bellies, saying how careful we must be to enjoy the time. How it’ll all be over in a blink of an eye. How before we know it, they’ll be walking, talking, leaving us.”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“First, there was Francie. If our group had a mascot, someone to glue themselves in feathers and lead our team in three cheers for motherhood, it was her. Miss Eager-to-Be-Liked, to not screw anything up, so plump with hope and rich Southern carbs.”
Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“then Colette, everyone’s girl crush, our trusted friend. One of the pretty ones, with her auburn shampoo-commercial hair, her Colorado-bred effortlessness and unmedicated home birth—the perfect female, topped in powdered sugar.”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“And finally Nell: British, cool, eschewing the books and the expert advice. So trust-your-instincts. So I-really-shouldn’t. (I really shouldn’t have that chocolate-chip muffin. Those chips. That third gin and tonic.) But there was something else about Nell, something below the salty exterior I spotted from day one: she, like me, was a woman with a secret.”
Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“It’s no wonder I eventually started loathing them. Really, who can stand to listen to that level of certainty? To sit through the judgment?”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“Good genes—that’s what people have always said about me. They’re talking about the fact that I am tall and thin, that I have a nearly symmetrical face. What they are not talking about are the other genes I’ve inherited.”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

“Joshua’s genes are no better. I would talk to him about this sometimes, asking if it worried him, the DNA he has to work hard to outsmart. His own crazy father: the brilliant doctor, so warm and charming with patients. The violent alcoholic behind closed doors.”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

10 Famous Quotes by Author Aimee Molloy

So there you have it my ten favourite quotes by Aimee Molloy, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Aimee Molloy.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Aimee Molloy. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Aimee Molloy Quote 

“You know what, sweetheart? If you ever feel even slightly inclined to come into my office and seduce me while I’m writing, you should act on it. Immediately. Even if I’m on the phone with my editor. Even if my parents are there. Even if I happen, for whatever reason, to be hosting a meeting with the pope. I will stop the discussion, and I will pleasure you right then and there, in a wholly spectacular fashion.”

Aimee Molloy, The Perfect Mother

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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