Ten of My Favourite Allen Eskens Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Allen Eskens, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Allen Eskens you will find my Ten favourites of Allen Eskens’s quotes.
Popular Quotes
“no one can change the sound of an echo.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“We are surrounded every day by the wonders of life, wonders beyond comprehension that we simply take for granted. I decided that day that I would live my life—not simply exist. If I died and discovered heaven on the other side, well, that’d be just fine and dandy. But if I didn’t live my life as if I was already in heaven, and I died and found only nothingness, well…I would have wasted my life. I would have wasted my one chance in all of history to be alive.” Carl”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“do you know what a dying declaration is?” I didn’t, although I gave it a shot. “It’s a declaration made by someone who is dying?” “It is a term of law,” he said. “If a man whispers the name of his killer and then dies, it’s considered good evidence because there’s a belief—an understanding—that a person who is dying would not want to die with a lie upon his lips. No sin could be greater than a sin that cannot be rectified, the sin you never get to confess.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“What if I was wrong? What if there was no other side. What if, in all the eons of eternity, this was the one and only time that I would be alive. How would I live my life if that were the case?”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“He was a quiet man who could command attention with a simple glance or nod, a man who possessed equal part strength and gentleness and wore them, not in layers, but blended like fine leather.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“she lived her life with her fingers in her ears, as though the truth would not exist if she never heard the words spoken aloud.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“Tufts of hair stuck out of my head in all directions, like I’d been cow-licked by a drunken heifer.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“No sin could be greater than a sin that cannot be rectified, the sin you never get to confess.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“That you understand how wrong it is to judge someone before you know their whole story.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
“she knew who my mother was and figured that no one can change the sound of an echo.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury
10 Famous Quotes by Author Allen Eskens
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Allen Eskens, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Allen Eskens. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Allen Eskens.
One Final Bonus – Allen Eskens Quote
“What if there was no other side. What if, in all the eons of eternity, this was the one and only time that I would be alive. How would I live my life if that were the case? Know what I mean? What if this was all there is?” “Well, I guess there’d be a lot of disappointed dead priests,” I said. Carl chuckled. “Well, there’s that,” he said. “But it also means that this is our heaven. We are surrounded every day by the wonders of life, wonders beyond comprehension that we simply take for granted. I decided that day that I would live my life—not simply exist. If I died and discovered heaven on the other side, well, that’d be just fine and dandy. But if I didn’t live my life as if I was already in heaven, and I died and found only nothingness, well… I would have wasted my life. I would have wasted my one chance in all of history to be alive.”
― Allen Eskens, The Life We Bury