
Amazon Affiliate Program to Make Money

What’s Better to Monetise Adsense or Amazon Affiliate Program?

If you haven’t heard about making money by using Amazon Affiliate Program; being a blogger, you are losing a big potential earning every month.

In this article, we will try to cover-up all the practical tips to provide a complete guide for bloggers and beginners.

The bloggers making money online using Adsense; are the people hardly convinced by any other way of income using their blog. While the beginners have about the same question that;

Usually, it depends on blog niche and types and a blogger’s habits that which one suits him/her best but I would love to suggest use both (if possible). As it will boost your online earnings. Giving a try to any combination isn’t bad for your self-development experience.

Adding useful widgets below the post as related products on Amazon Australia isn’t a bad idea and also a high-quality long post can contain useful Amazon links to boost chances of your potential income. Furthermore, you can review the best selling products. It can be a video review on youtube or a text review on your money site to link Amazon product page in the description to direct visitors to Amazon.

Adsense is good as you need to place three ads on all pages at once, and you will be getting money for clicks and impressions too, without any extra efforts.

But if we talk about the income generated from both sources, let us explain it with an example:

A blog is getting approx. 2000+ daily visitors and suppose eCPM is about $2+. You will hardly make $150+ by the end of the month, yes?

And if we talk about Amazon Affiliate Program and suppose there is 4%-5% CTR which means you are driving around about 80-100 daily visitors to Amazon? We can’t say how much will be conversion rate as it depends on various factors, traffic origin, products types, content quality and blog types etc. but let say if it will be 4%-5% daily conversion rate which means 4-5 sales every day? And, 120-150 sales per month? Again commission depends on the type of products and price of those products you are promoting on your blog but let’s say you will be getting 15% commission on each sale and the products you are promoting are in the range of $200-$300. Does it mean you can make about $3500- $5500 monthly? That is way better than Adsense.

There are hundreds of success stories of bloggers making big money by Amazon Affiliate Program. But, making money successfully from Amazon Affiliate program will require lots of efforts and time for new bloggers such as searching the best niche, driving huge organic traffic, increasing click-through rate etc. aren’t few days tasks. So, removing AdSense without any special reason wouldn’t be a great idea. But yes, if for any reason, your Adsense account gets banned, trying Amazon affiliate program will be highly recommended for you.
Using a combination of both will give you more confidence as As due to recurring payments of income will give you peace of mind which means a more productive person you will be and Amazon Affiliate Program will boost your earnings to appreciate your hard efforts.

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Things You Will Need To Get Started With Amazon Affiliate Program

  1. A blog/website to promote Amazon Products
  2. Basic blog posting skills
  3. Amazon basic and Amazon Associates Account
  4. Amazon Associates Widgets
  5. High-quality content
  6. Seasonal Marketing skills and strategies
  7. Social Media Accounts
  8. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Practical Tips to Generate Passive Income With Amazon Affiliate Program

  • Niche Selection / Best products to promote
  • Building loyalty and trust by writing high-quality content
  • Think about readers perspective
  • Driving organic traffic
  • Creating and Publishing BestSellers List
  • Reviews and Recommendations
  • Linking products inside your reviews
  • Linking Amazon recommendation
  • About Products’ images
  • Adding Informational type links
  • Adding buy now button
  • Related Products
  • Publishing Comparison type reviews
  • Tracking your marketing campaigns
  • Go Localize

#1- Niche Selection / Best products to promote

Choosing the best niche is very important, spend as much time as possible on this phase as if you will be successful in choosing best relevant niche/products to be promoted on your website/blog; most probably you will make most out of this idea. Choosing a wrong niche or product can place you back in phase one to change your strategy to start all over again.

Let’s explain it with an example:

Example – Blog ranking

You want to rank your movies blog in entertainment category but you couldn’t find best keywords and started writing on some food recipes which is totally irrelevant or maybe you have written a post on old movies which aren’t searched anymore. What will happen at the end? Your blog won’t get ranked higher in a targeted category or might not be ranked at all. Agree?

Same is the case about choosing the best selling product and not a product which might never be searched.

Secondly, relevancy matters a lot, if you have a blog having huge traffic of cats lovers. And, instead of promoting cat-related products, you start promoting dental surgical products, most probably you won’t get any sales at all. Because no cat lover is interested in buying the dental surgical product.

Examples of relevancy

  • Tech blog ==> Tech gadgets mobile phones, computers and iPad/tablets etc.
  • Mental health blog ==> CDs, DVDs and relevant books etc.
  • Travel Blog ==> Tents, Coolers, Bag packs and travel books etc.

To increase conversion, you need to understand this common sense product relevancy tip. The more your promoted products will be relevant to your audience, the high conversion rate you will get which means more sales and more %age profits.

This one considered the hardest part as Amazon Affiliate Program doesn’t work great for all the topics and finding a best relevant product that matches your blog is way harder.

Here is the pro tip: try different products to track the results which products convert best by your audience or if there is need to change your blog topic.

 #2- Building loyalty and trust by writing high-quality content

Have you ever heard from any of your friends that a new gadget came so let’s watch that specific reviewer’s video? Do you know what it means? It means that the reviewer has built the loyalty and trust. You can boost your earnings with Amazon Affiliate program if your readers will be visiting more frequently and trusting your reviews. This can be achieved only by publishing high-quality content. Search Engines can send some organic traffic for a few of your good keywords but converting your visitors into returning visitors is your own job.

#3- Think about readers perspective

Think you are in a buying mood but before taking a buying decision, you want to do a little research. So, what search queries you can check? What resources will you open? How can a blog post change your mind? You few questions to yourself can answer, how to write high-quality content by keeping readers’ perspectives.

#4- Driving Organic Traffic

Organic traffic is one of the most important factors in any online business. The more people will land on your website, the more conversion chances you will achieve.

Traffic achieved by fake means will never benefit but the case of traffic achieved organically will be totally different.

So, the question is that if a blogger isn’t getting good organic traffic, does it mean Amazon Affiliate program isn’t his/her thing?

The answer is; still, it is worth using if you want to. As better to have something than nothing. But to increase your chances of making big money, you have to increase your organic traffic.

Again, creating high-quality content to add value to the user will help you. Your top priority should be your visitors and not search engines. This will surely help you in long-run.

#5- Creating and Publishing BestSellers List

As everyone is crazy about lists, and such posts can go viral easily on social media, such as top 5, top 7 or top 10 etc. There are two ways to create bestsellers list.

  1. Go to the Amazon and check bestsellers list in your chosen category.
  2. Create your own bestsellers list from the tracking IDs of the products you are promoting.

After creating a bestsellers list, there are two ways to publish it.

Either publish bestsellers list by end of every month or create a single page and keep updating bestsellers list occasionally whenever you get a chance. This list isn’t just helpful for your visitors but for you too as you can get some hint that which products are good to promote or what are people’s buying trends?

#6- Reviews and Recommendations

Reviews and genuine recommendations work better to increase conversion rate. Writing a quality review for the products you are promoting will be helpful to build user trust.

The best option is contacting manufacturers to request a demo product to review properly but that can be a very long process and isn’t recommended for low-traffic websites. That’s why building an organic source of traffic is way more important. To start, you can write a detailed review by adding all the relevant products including links so your detailed Amazon product review can leave your readers with better purchasing options.

It can be in a way, like choosing a product niche, reviewing top 5 and at the end recommending one of them so the potential buyer can compare all of the listed products to buy the best one.

#7- Linking Products Inside Your Reviews

This works great in most of the cases of the product as history proved that people trust more on content and simple text links placed inside the content than checking them somewhere else on the website. If you are going to publish a case study on your money site, you can add relevant text links to the products you want to promote.

#8- Linking Amazon Recommendation

Most of the pros have suggested that link Amazon into every single page as many times as possible, there is no minimum or maximum limit. Adding 7-8 links to Amazon per page is normal.

 #9- About Products’ Images

Adding product images along your content is quite attractive as readers can see which product you are talking about. Don’t forget to link images by using your affiliate links. This considered a good tip to increase CTR.

#10- Adding Informational type links

We can’t think and consider our profits only for each time, sometimes to add value to your potential visitors, you need to share some informational links which might help in sales or won’t convert in $$ but it will help you to convert a new visitor into frequent visitor of your website.

#11- Adding buy now button

Most of the bloggers working with Amazon Affiliate Program suggest using buy now buttons into reviews to help readers take quick action. Here, you have to do your own experiments that placing which type of buy now button can help you? Usually, yellow one similar to Amazon’s buy now helps increasing conversions. Placing at the end of each product will be helpful. The size of the button can depend on your website theme type.

#12- Related Products

Don’t forget to promote related products. As there are chances that people are interested in buying some other related product than the one they landed to read the review on your website. It is recommended to review multiple related products or simply review one and add the widget at the bottom of your review by linking related products.

#13- Publishing Comparison type reviews

Writing a high-quality review means helping your readers to buy a product which will be best for them. So, writing reviews by comparing different similar products in a great way to help the potential buyer.

There can be a theme functionality or a plugin function which allow visitors to choose any two products of their choice and compare them. Or there can be a detailed manually written review to compare the products.

#14- Tracking your marketing campaigns

This is always helpful to know which campaigns are worth keeping and which one should be dropped. Such as social media marketing; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or any other whatever you are using to promote your money site. If one platform is helping you to convert more than others, put your hard efforts more on that one source unless you get the resources to do little research on how other platforms can work better for you. Or if you have any other paid marketing campaign such as Google Adwords, FB/IG Ads, or taking any other paid marketing help. Tracking will help you to decide how to use your limited budget effectively.

#15- Go localize

This is very important if your website/blog is getting traffic only from Australia, you can promote but if you are getting good traffic from various countries which mean the buyer can be from different locations. In that case, you should sign up for localization such as .ca for Canada .in for India and so on.

Furthermore, you can try any readymade plugin or custom code to redirect your potential buyers as per their location such as If a British visitor landed on your page and want to take buying decision as well; he/she should be redirected to instead of

Important Points for Making Passive Income With Amazon Affiliate Program

Other than the above shared helpful tips, there are few more important points to be kept in mind for a successful career with Amazon Affiliate Program.

  • Get started

Take Start as early as possible, there are the people in this business since the past decade so think you are already late so better to take start ASAP. There are the people waiting for guides and tips as per others’ experiences; don’t be one of them, be the one to discover the path for others. Starting early will give you a bundle of chances to learn a lot from your day to day experiences which surely will affect your earnings.

  • Be Confident

Be confident to draft your own strategies to achieve your goals. There will be articles on the internet about dos and don’ts. It is always good to read for knowledge increment purposes. But as people publish the guides as per their experiences. So, there is no guarantee that if something worked great for someone, will be equally beneficial for you too. Be confident to take decisions as various aspects work differently depending on the blog to blog. Take an example of the adding links inside the content, for a few niche blogs, it is important to have many links, while maybe for others containing 2-3 links per page would be more than enough. How can you know the estimated figure without trying personally? So, always be confident to give your ideas at least one try.

  • Be Patient

There are the people making 5 figures $$$$$ annually. But, the fact is; there will be hard work and sleepless nights of long years. Maybe, your month 1 income from Amazon Affiliate Program would be less than $50. But don’t lose hope and be patient. Try to figure out what’s working for you and what’s not and focus on the worth working stuff. It is not important that if one thing worked for someone else or even one of your own blog that should work for your or your own another blog too.

  • Transparency 

Well, there are different thoughts about transparency that if should you be open about Affiliate links or not?

Other than the USA, we don’t think disclosure is required legally. But it is good to have a page on the blog such as disclosure/disclaimer. You don’t need to disclose on each page containing affiliate links but it is recommended to have on the pages containing many links.

How visitors react; is also depends on the blog to blog or the audience on the blog. But, most of the readers appreciate the transparency.

Also read: How to make money on youtube?

Final Words About Amazon Affiliate Program

As starting with Amazon Affiliate Program charges you nothing, so it isn’t bad to give it a try because if you are patient and hardworking, it can be a great source of income for long-term.


Main Image Source : Pixabay

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Auntie Shiela
Auntie Shiela
Dream big, play hard, take the wins and embrace the losses.


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