
Amy Gail Hansen’s Top 8 Popular and Famous Quotes

Eight of My Favourite Amy Gail Hansen Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 8 Famous Quotes by Author Amy Gail Hansen, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Amy Gail Hansen you will find my Eight favourites of Amy Gail Hansen’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“«E la conoscenza è potere.»
«Davvero? Allora perché mi sento così impotente?»
Lei scrollò la testa. «Ho detto che la conoscenza è potere, non ho detto che ti rende potente. La conoscenza è come il talento, Ruby. Non serve a niente, a meno che tu non la usi per fare qualcosa. Il potere lo sentirai dopo, come una scossa secondaria. Lo sentirai quando avrai scoperto che cos’è che vuoi fare.»”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

 “The past is a funny thing, Ruby. It is nature’s most underestimated ghost. It is still very much alive. Its heart still beats, it haunts. And it is always impacting, always dictating the future, which eventually becomes the past. You see, it multiplies, this enigma. It grows larger and larger until at the end, it swallows your entire life. Every day, every moment becomes the past.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

“«Sai niente sulle stelle?»
«Intende in astronomia?»
Annuì. «Spesso ci dimentichiamo che sono lontane anni luce. La luce delle stelle che ora ammiriamo nel cielo proviene dal passato, è stata emessa migliaia di anni luce fa. Quando le navi solcavano i mari facendosi guidare dalle stelle, i navigatori cercavano letteralmente il futuro studiando il passato.»”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

 “Ah, that is the miracle of the written word. It beckons our unconscious out of hiding. It tells us things we need to know, sometimes things we don’t want to know.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

 “Without the opportunity to fully express herself and her creativity—without money and a room of one’s own—a woman can simply go mad.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

 “Anger isn’t such a bad thing, Ruby. It moves obstacles. Nothing would happen without anger. It’s the catalyst for change.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

“When ships navigated the seas by the stars, they literally sought the future by their understanding of the past.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

 “writing without risk is not writing at all.”
― Amy Gail Hansen, The Butterfly Sister

8 Famous Quotes by Author Amy Gail Hansen

So there you have it my Eight favourite quotes by Amy Gail Hansen, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Amy Gail Hansen.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 8 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Amy Gail Hansen. 

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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