
Bernard B.Kerik’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Bernard B.Kerik Quotes 

Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles  we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Bernard B.Kerik, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Bernard B.Kerik you will find my Ten favourites of Bernard B.Kerik’s quotes. 

Popular Quotes

“There is no greater threat to a free and democratic nation than a government that fails to protect its citizen’s freedom and liberty as aggressively as it pursues justice.”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“No one should ever be wrongfully deprived of their rights to liberty and freedom without just cause, yet in the past 25 years alone thousands of people have been wrongfully convicted and sentenced to tens of thousands of years in prison.”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“American citizens should not lose their constitutional rights because they lack the money to pay for them.”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“In a free and democratic society such as ours, justice should not eternally abrogate one’s rights to freedom and liberty, except in the most extreme cases.”

― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“That infamous day was the most powerful reminder I have ever been given that you should never take life for granted and should treat each day as if it’s your last.”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“It is quick to over punish and uninterested in rewarding good behavior. What would we say about an individual who had these characteristics? Mean? Cruel? Heartless? Mindless? Hypocritical? Stupid?”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“People can say that I became famous because of 911. I became America’s top cop, cultivated a political profile, wrote books, became a security consultant. But I’d give anything for that day not to have happened. I wish it hadn’t. But it did. And I happen to be there at the time. I was there, and I did the best I could do under the circumstances. It’s all any of us did.”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“I believed removing Saddam from power was the right thing to do at the time, and I was also motivated by 9/11. Weapons of mass destruction or not, Saddam had murdered and displaced millions of his own countrymen and was funding suicidal terror operations against the state of Israel…”
― Bernard B.Kerik, From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“It smelled like a slaughterhouse. I was standing in the interrogation room of Saddam Hussein’s Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad. A stench of blood and death permeated my senses, my clothes, my being.”
― Bernard B.Kerik,  From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

“To the left and at the end of our small wing that held eight prisoners was an NYPD officer named Gilberto Valle, who’d been charged with conspiring to cook and eat his girlfriend. The press had dubbed him the “Cannibal Cop.”

― Bernard B.Kerik,  From Jailer to Jailed: My Journey from Correction and Police Commissioner to Inmate #84888-054

10 Famous Quotes by Author Bernard B.Kerik

So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Bernard B.Kerik, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Bernard B.Kerik.  Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Bernard B.Kerik. 

One Final Bonus – Longer – Bernard B.Kerik Quote 

“Don’t promote yourself as a country of constitutionality and compassion if you honestly believe that putting people in prison and treating them like animals is justified. Stop all the hype that we live in a free and democratic society. I used to ramble on about the same stuff. But now—are we really a country that believes in fairness and compassion? Are we really a country that treats people fairly?

I’ve met good men—yes, good men—in prison who made mistakes out of stupidity or ignorance, greed, or just bad judgment, but they did not need to be sent to prison to be punished; eighteen months for catching too many fish; two years for inflating income on a mortgage application; three months for selling a whale’s tooth on eBay; fifteen years for a first-time nonviolent drug conspiracy in which no drugs were found or seized. There are thousands of people like these in our prisons today, costing American taxpayers billions of dollars when these individuals could be punished in smarter, alternative ways.

Our courts are overpunishing decent people who make mistakes, and our prisons have no rewards or incentives for good behavior. In this alone criminal justice and prison systems contradict their own mission statements (244).”

― Bernard B.Kerik

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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