Ten of My Favourite Bertrice Small Quotes
Quotes, who doesn’t love a good quote? This series of articles we look at Top 10 Famous Quotes by Author Bertrice Small, author quotes are always a challenge and fun to pick, with Bertrice Small you will find my Ten favourites of Bertrice Small’s quotes.
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“The gentlemen like it when a lady smells sweet.”
― Bertrice Small, Lost Love Found
“There scotsmen must have arses like leather,for while he ate I could see naught beneath his kilts but a pair of rather large balls ,” the secretary told him . – philippa”
― Bertrice Small
“Beauty, it would seem, was both a blessing and a curse.”
― Bertrice Small, Lara
“I speak from the heart words I have no right to say. Words that I should have never uttered to you, yet I cannot help myself. I love you and I shall love you through eternity itself.”
― Bertrice Small
“The Queen, in love with love, returned her royal consent. [allowing newlyweds to honeymoon in private instead of appearing at Court to Queen Elizabeth I]”
― Bertrice Small, Skye O’Malley
“Did you not take the opportunity to bathe, gentlemen?” Valentina questioned them, trying to take her mind off her body, which felt unusually sensitive in this sultry climate. The silk of her gown seemed to rub against her nipples with every breath.”
― Bertrice Small, Lost Love Found
“It is their constant carping that has really made them old. Age is but another step in the natural cycle of life. We are growing old from the moment of our birth.”
― Bertrice Small, Lost Love Found
“Once the Wheel of Love has been set in motion, there is no absolute rule.Your being contains mine; now I am truly part of you. Together as one, we form an unbroken circle of love.The wife is half the man, his priceless friend; Of pleasure, virtue, wealth, his constant source; A help throughout his earthly years; Through life unchanging, even beyond its end.”
― Bertrice Small, This Heart of Mine
“Akbar, though he could neither read nor write, was a highly educated man.”
― Bertrice Small, This Heart of Mine
― Bertrice Small, The Twilight Lord
10 Famous Quotes by Author Bertrice Small
So there you have it my Ten favourite quotes by Bertrice Small, please comment below and share your favourite quotes by the fantastic author Bertrice Small. Furthermore, if you find any Authors not covered for there, top 10 quotes let me know and I will review their works and find some of their best quotes as has been done here for Bertrice Small.
One Final Bonus – Longer – Bertrice Small Quote
“After a few more minutes of rain, which came in thick, silver sheets accompanied by spectacular lightning and noisy thunder, the storm passed over them, moving on into the valley below. The sun burst forth over the mountaintop, gilding the lush, wet summer greenery, touching the stone ruins with a golden light and bringing a new warmth to them. A red kite, catching a whorl in the wind, soared out over the valley to her right.”
― Bertrice Small, A Moment in Time