
Business Startup Australia: Employing People

The first thing you need to know about employing people in Australia is the fact that although Australia has a skilled workforce and flexible employment conditions, it has a wide range of legislative requirements.

The Fair Work Act 2009 has established the national workplace relations system in which employers and employees have the same workplace rights and obligations, regardless of the state they work in.

 Employing People – Pay and Conditions

If you work under the national workplace relations system, you can have a look at the Fair Work

Ombudsman at;

If you’re covered by the Western Australian workplace relations system, you may want to see the Labor Relations;

 Employing People – Where to Get Your Skilled Staff

The Australian government provides a couple of websites to help you with your recruitment needs.

1- JobSearch:

2- Job Services Australia:

3- Jobactive:

Other websites that are not run by the Australian government includes;


Contractors are usually treated differently from employees for tax and superannuation purposes. Having an Australian Business Number (ABN) does not mean a worker is an independent contractor. Therefore, you should know what is required when hiring contractors by;

  • Visiting the section about independent contractors at:

  • Placing a phone call at (13 28 46)
  • Using the employee/contractor decision tool on the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website at:

Employing People – National Employment Standards (NES)

NES are 10 minimum employment entitlements that have to be provided to all employees which are:

  1. Maximum weekly hours
  2. Requests for flexible working arrangements
  3. Parental leave and related entitlements
  4. Annual leave
  5. Personal carers leave and compassionate leave
  6. Community service leave
  7. Long service leave
  8. Public holidays
  9. Notice of termination and redundancy pay
  10. Fair Work Information Statement

For a detailed description of each item, refer to the Fair Work Ombudsman at;

Apprentices & Trainees

As an employer, you must withhold the correct amount of Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding and make superannuation contributions for your employees’ apprentices and trainees.

You can learn more about this by contacting the Australian Apprenticeships;

  • Website:
  • Phone: 13 38 73

Overseas Employees

In order to employ people from other countries, you need to consult the Department of Immigration and Border Protection at;

  • Website:
  • Phone 13 18 81

Employing People – Equal Employment Opportunity & Anti-Discrimination

One of your obligations as an employer is to create a workplace that offers equal opportunities and is free from any type of discrimination.

Australian Human Rights Commission is the one you should refer to for such matters.

Your feedback and participation is highly appreciated.

We wish you the best of luck with your venture.

Australia-Unwrapped Team

Gain maximum benefit by competing the series:

Part One - Business Startup Australia – Introduction
Part Two - Business Startup Australia: Getting Help and Support 
Part Three - Business Startup Australia: Business Structure
Part Four - Business Startup Australia: Business Plan
Part Five - Business Startup Australia: Obtaining Finance
Part Six - Business Startup Australia: Registering Your Business
Part Seven - Business Startup Australia: Registering Business Name
Part Eight - Business Startup Australia: Understanding Australian Taxes
Part Nine - Business Startup Australia: Home-based Business
Part Ten - Business Startup Australia: Online Business
Part Twelve - Business Startup Australia: Workplace Health & Safety
Part Thirteen - Business Startup Australia: Online Marketing
Part Fourteen - Business Startup Australia: Securing Your Online Business
Part Fifteen - Business Startup Australia: Importing 
Part Sixteen - Business Startup Australia: Exportation

Main Image Source ; Pixabay

Also See : 15 Unique Australian Dining Experiences Experiences

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Aly GadElmoula
Aly GadElmoula
My name is Aly GadElmoula, I’m 33 years old businessman living with my lovely wife, Wafaa, and my beautiful daughter, Nermine. I have spent more than 11 years of my life studying and working in the field of IT, Information Technology, but I’ve recently changed my career to teaching English and got myself a nice frame for my CELTA, Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults. I hope by telling you this you will be able to see how much I love English. I love reading it and I sure love writing in English especially in the fields of technology, psychology and business. I’ve recently worked as a business consultant for a number of websites in India, USA, UK and Australia. I’ve also written some exciting e-books with one in particular that I’m really proud of, The Definitive Guide to Becoming a Freelance. “The freelance writer is a man who is paid per piece or per word or perhaps.” Robert Benchley


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