
How to Oil a Cricket Bat?

Simple Method to Oil a Cricket Bat

Cricket bats are like small oar-shaped bats that are traditionally made out of white willow wood, then treated or coated with linseed oil to seal in the good nutrients that keep the cricket bats durable and stronger. These bats are constantly used to hit the ball in a game of cricket, a popular sport loved by billions. The bats are definitely sturdy but after the continuous hard striking of the ball, it still needs tender loving care from its owners from time to time. In order to take care of and prolong the durability of the bat, some practices must be done and that is to oiling cricket bat

With the help of this blog, you will be guided on how to oil your cricket bats to preserve their coating, improve their longevity, and prevent them from splitting open. This blog will also help you to save money because oiling a cricket bat is actually simple. The process of oiling might be lengthy and time-consuming, at least you do not need to spend your money to have someone oil your cricket bats for you!

What Kind of Oil Do you Have to Use in Oiling Your Cricket Bat?

Linseed oil is commonly used in furnishing furniture and so this applies to your cricket bats as well. Linseed oil is a kind of oil that contains the nutrients in keeping the cricket bat’s fibers intact and prevent them from drying out, causing cracks. 

Specifically, only raw linseed oil is usually used in oiling cricket bats, but linseed oil from the crafts store can work just the same and can still guarantee the same results as the raw linseed oil.

How to Oil Your Cricket Bat?

1. Application of the linseed oil. Apply about 2-3 drops of the raw linseed oil over the face of the bat. With the help of an old rag, or your finger would suffice just as well, whichever you prefer, spread the oil all over the face of the bat, along its edges, its heel, and the edges of the bat as well. Spread it all over the said parts EXCEPT for the splice and the labels. Save at least a centimeter allowance from the splice to ensure that the linseed oil does not drip on it.

2. Letting the bat absorb the oil. Find a dry place where you can lay your upwards in order for the bat to start the absorption process of the oil. To stop the bat from tipping, put something underneath. 

3. Repeat the process. Check your bat after 24 hours. If you think that your bat is still dry, and probably needs some more oiling do steps 1 and 2 all over again, you can stop once your bat is not soaking any more linseed oil. Only repeat the process if it is really necessary.

4. Wipe the excess oil. If you are finally done with the oiling and absorption process of your bat, you can finally wipe the excess oil off and you can finally start with the process called “knocking-in”.

 5. Knocking in the fibers. This process does gentle knocking movements on the bat, thus called “knocking-in”. This final process fully ensures that the fibers of your bat are compressed to each other thus, strengthening it even more. Use a mallet to knock your cricket bat but if you do not have a mallet, use a wooden ball that almost resembles that of the mallet, then insert it inside a sock, tie the opening shut and start the knock-in. It is recommended by manufacturers to knock your mallet for about 3 to 4 hours. Take note that you should only knock your cricket bat with the right amount of force, not, too aggressively. 

That’s it! Your cricket is good as new, and also fresh for your game! You must remember, in order to get the best results, the lengthier time you prepare your bat before your game begins, the stronger it will be and it will last longer.

How Often Do You Have to Oil Your Cricket Bat?

Now that you’ve learned how to renew your cricket bat’s moisture, it is basic knowledge to know when you should do the oiling process again and how often you should do it. It is recommended to at least oil your cricket bats after 12 weeks because letting your bat overindulge with the oils can actually ruin it just as much how damaging a small amount of oil does.

How to Prepare Your Bat For Oiling Again After The Season?

It is of knowledge that not all things can remain to look brand new and will eventually give away, but it is still great to try to maintain their appearance, and to prolong their durability. Use sandpaper to sand your bats lightly. This process serves as a preparation for your bat’s next oil coating process. The reason why sanding your bat is important, it’s because the oil will cling to a somewhat rougher surface and hastens the absorption process. 

Sanding can also serve as a cleaning process as well like removing splinters of the bat or some unremovable dirt, and the process of sanding also removes small cracks in your bat.

Your Cricket Bat is Ready For The Season!

That concludes the cricket bat oiling extravaganza. The oiling process of cricket bats may be time-consuming and has a lengthy process, the results are totally worth it if you invest some time in maintaining and taking extra care of your cricket bats. 

This blog encourages you to be resourceful and thrifty. A gentle reminder, you do not need to buy a new cricket bat for every season of your game or to pay more money for the process of maintaining your bat when it is something you can easily do by yourself. With just a click of the mouse in the search bar, you can find tutorials on how to oil your cricket bats just like what you are seeing now in our blog! 


Main Image Source: Pixabay

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Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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