Working on the road can be incredibly exciting and adventurous. However, it can get difficult to take care of yourself because you are constantly changing your routine. To add to that, temptation awaits you at every turn: the allure of nightlife, new food places, and the pressure to remain on top of work through every journey can affect your capacity to remain healthy.
Make a fitness routine you don’t need the gym for
Part of what makes the digital nomad lifestyle so exciting is that you are constantly moving from one place to another. As you transition in and out of different places, you may find it difficult to continue honoring that resolution to lose more weight, eat healthier, or head to the gym more.
Ultimately, the best way you can build a fitness routine that you can stick to is to make sure you can do it even without gyms or heavy equipment. You can find a thirty-minute program in calisthenics or bodyweight exercises since these moves do not require any additional tools. Scheduling the workout so that it’s the first thing you do each day also ensures that you prioritize your fitness and get one of the most difficult aspects of your daily routine out of the way.
Be mindful of your eating habits
It’s easy to give in to your cravings all the time when you are in a new country. After all, the unique sights, sounds, and experiences make it easy to give in and indulge. But if it won’t deal a heavy blow to your wallet, then it will definitely have an impact on your health.
To help maintain your well-being, develop a habit of cooking your food and packing snacks to go. Since you prepared the food yourself, you are aware of the ingredients used and the way it was cooked. As a result, you can be more conscientious and pick organic ingredients or find alternatives to frying your meals.
Track your habits with apps
If you struggle with structuring your workouts on your own, you can choose from a multitude of apps that offer customized workout plans and other functions that can help you stay on track. They can also send workout reminders, as well as store calorie and distance trackers. Workout apps are popular among digital nomads who enjoy running because they can help track new running routes, distance covered, and even elevation.
Learn how the locals do it
Taking care of your body can look different from one country to another. For example, Europeans work out through outdoor activities instead of going to the gym. In China, the elderly often engage in early morning tai chi or calisthenics. And in Switzerland, vitaparcours are making a comeback. These are fitness trails with exercise stations. This is a great way for you to learn how to stay healthy and fit while adjusting to a new location. You do not need to struggle with isolation just because you are a digital nomad, so once you’re done settling in Shanghai or looking through monthly apartments in Basel, look for meetups you can join for physical activity.
Remember to hydrate
Digital nomads often live very active and hectic lifestyles. Their schedules are filled with online appointments, trips around the city, and stand-ups with colleagues from around the world. As a result, it can be easy to forget to drink water.
Try to drink a glass of water immediately after waking up and with every meal. This way, you can associate hydration with another important activity and it will be easier to remember.
Don’t forget your mental health
Travel can be heavily romanticized. It’s true; there is a certain magic in visiting different places all the time. But at some point, even transition can become a routine and the travel has its drawbacks. The stress brought about by culture shock, language barriers, changes in itineraries, and so on, can stick.
Try to enforce a sleep schedule and create a restful environment at home. When you arrive in a new country, give yourself a few days to set up in your new home and explore the surroundings.
Remember to care for your neck and back
Digital nomads frequently have to struggle with uncomfortable seats on planes, in hotels, at cafes, and in other places. Here are some quick tips to help maintain good posture while on the road.
On airplanes: only sit to sleep
Long flights can be incredibly difficult because you have to force yourself to remain still in a confined space. To help beat cabin fever and save your posture, stand at the back of the plane as long as the seatbelt sign is turned off. You can read a book, listen to a podcast, or play a video game. You can even try doing some squats to help you feel alert and flexible.
Pack a tennis ball for those knotted muscles
Maybe you’ve had no choice but to sit still for a long period of time, particularly in taxis or cars. This can cause your muscles to lock up. When you arrive at your destination, take out the tennis ball and position it immediately under your knotted muscles. This way, you can roll over it and release muscle tension.