
Importance Of Transgender Rights

Let us work together to create a society where everyone feels safe to be themselves, including trans people. People who are intersex don’t need to be “changed”; they are fine just the way they are!

5 Reasons Why We Have To Support Transgender Rights

People who identify as transgender comes from all areas of life. The term “transgender” – or trans – refers to those who have a gender identity that differs from their gender at birth. Even though the word “transgender” and its current meaning were developed in the late twentieth century, people who fit this description have existed in every community since the dawn of humanity.

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Because I am not trans, I have no idea what it’s like to be unable to feel comfortable in public spaces, even the essential ability to use public restrooms—this is why listening to trans perspectives is so crucial. As they traverse several oppressive institutions, trans individuals of color generally have much worse health and economic results. Below are some important concerns that I’ve highlighted:

Why should we support them?

  • “Today, as a trans person, public bathrooms and changing rooms are where I am most likely to be questioned or harassed.” Ivan Coyote said in a TED presentation. He also talked about being verbally attacked behind their doors and hauled out by security guards with his pants still halfway pulled up. He also talks about the things people did behind his back and to his face. Ivan and many other trans people face harassment in gender-segregated locations like public restrooms and in different gender-segregated settings, demonstrating the essential role that bathrooms play as a symbol of trans people’s overall misunderstanding.
  • Some transgender persons opt to change medically, while others do not. Some transgender persons prefer to officially alter their names or identification papers, while others do not. Some transgender persons opt to change their physical appearance, while others do not. Similarly, some transgender persons may wish to do many of those activities but cannot do so due to financial constraints or safety concerns. The identity of a transgender person is not determined by what they have or have not done to transition, and no two transgender people’s experiences are identical.
  • The ability to choose one’s own gender is an essential aspect of one’s identity. As a result, to uphold the rights to equality before the law, equal protection under the law, privacy, identity, and freedom of speech, states must provide access to gender recognition. The absence of gender identification undermines a person’s identity because it causes a fundamental breach of state responsibilities. Denying someone’s gender legal recognition has a detrimental influence on many parts of their existence, including their right to health, housing, social security, mobility, and residency. It also fosters discrimination, violence, and exclusion in social situations, including educational and professional environments.
  • Gender-diverse and trans people face levels of violence and discrimination that offend the human conscience all over the world: they are trapped in a cycle of exclusion and marginalization, bullied at school, rejected by their families, pushed out onto the streets, and denied access to employment; to exercise their right to legal recognition, gender-diverse and trans people are frequently victims of violence in health-care settings, such as forcible sterilization.
  • Transgender persons suffer from the economic implications of prejudice, such as high rates of poverty and unemployment, educational discrimination, and homelessness. Extreme poverty is more than twice as common among trans people as it is among the general population, with Latinx transgender people facing three times the poverty rate and Black transgender people facing three times the poverty rate.

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In certain places, transgender activists have made significant progress toward making this vision a reality. Still, their battle has often been a lonely one. Legal gender recognition should be recognized as a fundamental human right by mainstream human rights groups and funders. They should put their weight and resources behind their achievement.

The right to legal gender recognition is critical for trans persons to be able to leave a life of marginalization behind and live a life of dignity. A modest change that gives people more control over how their gender is displayed and documented is gaining traction. It has been a long time coming.

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Max Ignatius Atlas
Max Ignatius Atlas
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