
Jessica Clare’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes

Ten of My Favourite Jessica Clare Quotes 

Love reading? Then it’s likely you will love a good quote from your favourite author. This article covers Jessica Clare’s Top 10 Popular and Famous Quotes that we at Australia Unwrapped have collected from some of his greatest works. Jessica Clare quotes to remember and here you will find 10 of the best. A memorable quote can stay with you and can be used along your journey. Choosing Jessica Clare’s top 10 quotes is not easy, but here they are:

Popular Quotes

“He’s forbidden fruit, and I’m Eve standing in front of the apple”
― Jessica Clare, Last Hit

 “I don’t find you ugly, Hunter. No one who knew you could.” Her voice was achingly soft. “If anything, I’m grateful that you have these scars, because they saved you for me— for this moment in time. And that’s a little selfish of me, isn’t it? And yet I can’t help but feel that way.”
― Jessica Clare, Beauty and the Billionaire

“I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss your hand in mine. I miss your laugh when you’re nervous. I wish to god I was hearing it right now. That hurricane was the best thing that ever happened to me because it brought you into my life.”
― Jessica Clare, Stranded with a Billionaire

 “I don’t want another to love you, Because I wanted you for myself. I’ve never stopped loving you. Never stopped wanting you. Every second of every day, my heart has always been yours.”
― Jessica Clare, Romancing the Billionaire

 “Be happy she’s crying,” he said. “That’s when you know they still feel something for you. The time when they look at you with dry eyes is when you’ve lost them.”
― Jessica Clare, Last Breath

 “I want a hero. A big strong, handsome prince to come rescue me from my
miserable life. But since one has not arrived, I must rescue myself.

― Jessica Clare, Last Hit

“Love is not control, Logan. Love is partnership. Friendship. A wise man once said, ‘If you want to be loved, be lovable.”
― Jessica Clare, Stranded with a Billionaire

 “The scars were not beautiful, but they were fascinating. They made him different. She liked different.”
― Jessica Clare, Beauty and the Billionaire

“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back.”

― Jessica Clare, Stranded with a Billionaire

“I’ve already found the right person. I’m just waiting for her to be ready.”
― Jessica Clare, Stranded with a Billionaire

10 Famous Quotes by Author Jessica Clare

10 quotes by Jessica Clare there you go! It’s never an easy task picking the best quotations from great writers, so please if you disagree or have more to add, please comment and share your opinions. My 10 greatest Jessica Clare quotes will likely be different from yours; however, that’s the best thing about them, each quote can mean something different to each person. So don’t wait, comment and shares your best Jessica Clare Quote. 

One Final Bonus – Jessica Clare Quote 

“I would rend anyone limb from limb who tried to come between Regan and me. From now on, the only one who will hear her scream when she comes is me. The only man who will get to taste the nectar between her legs is me. The only cock that will ever pleasure her, from this moment until I never draw another breath, is mine.”

― Jessica Clare, Last Breath

Dave P
Dave P
Be a little better today than yesterday.


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