Carl Linnaeus’s Most Inspirational Quotes
A collection of beautiful and Inspirational Quotes by Carl Linnaeus, this article we look at Carl Linnaeus’s most inspiring quotes. Quotes often give context; they can mean different things to different people, here you will find some of the best quotes by Carl Linnaeus.
If a tree dies, plant another in its place.
Carl Linnaeus

If you do not know the names of things, the knowledge of them is lost, too.
Carl Linnaeus

The plant kingdom covers the entire earth, offering our senses great pleasure and the delights of summer.
Carl Linnaeus

Blessed be the Lord for the beauty of summer and spring, for the air, the water, the verdure, and the song of birds.
Carl Linnaeus

It is the genus that gives the characters, and not the characters that make the genus.
Carl Linnaeus

I demand of you, and of the whole world, that you show me a generic character… by which to distinguish between Man and Ape. I myself most assuredly know of none.
Carl Linnaeus

To live by medicine is to live horribly.
Carl Linnaeus

A herbarium is better than any illustration; every botanist should make one.
Carl Linnaeus

Linnea…. A plant of Lapland, lowly, insignificant, disregarded, flowering but for a brief space – from Linnaeus who resembles it.
Carl Linnaeus

A practical botanist will distinguish at the first glance the plant of the different quarters of the globe and yet will be at a loss to tell by what marks he detects them.
Carl Linnaeus

There is no generation from an egg in the Mineral Kingdom. Hence no vascular circulation of the humours as in the remaining Natural Kingdoms.
Carl Linnaeus

Botany is based on fixed genera.
Carl Linnaeus

When all the thoughts are concerning one thing and the person loses interest in other things, the melancholy begins.
Carl Linnaeus

Nature does not proceed by leaps.
Carl Linnaeus

The names of the plants ought to be stable [certa], consequently they should be given to stable genera.
Carl Linnaeus
![The names of the plants ought to be stable [certa], consequently they should be given to stable genera.](
We admit as many genera as there are different groups of natural species of which the fructification has the same structure.
Carl Linnaeus

The species and the genus are always the work of nature [i.e. specially created]; the variety mostly that of circumstance; the class and the order are the work of nature and art.
Carl Linnaeus
![The species and the genus are always the work of nature [i.e. specially created]; the variety mostly that of circumstance; the class and the order are the work of nature and art.](
In natural science the principles of truth ought to be confirmed by observation.
Carl Linnaeus

Nomenclature, the other foundation of botany, should provide the names as soon as the classification is made… If the names are unknown knowledge of the things also perishes… For a single genus, a single name.
Carl Linnaeus

Nature’s economy shall be the base for our own, for it is immutable, but ours is secondary. An economist without knowledge of nature is therefore like a physicist without knowledge of mathematics.
Carl Linnaeus

Stones grow, plants grow, and live, animals grow live and feel.
Carl Linnaeus

Natural bodies are divided into three kingdoms of nature: viz. the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Minerals grow, Plants grow and live, Animals grow, live, and have feeling.
Carl Linnaeus

A professor can never better distinguish himself in his work than by encouraging a clever pupil, for the true discovers are among them, as comets amongst the stars.
Carl Linnaeus

Quote to Inspire by Carl Linnaeus
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